Contact your Parish Council

1061 GB UUR

Item 22, Page 167                                          Address: Marshalls Farm, West Farleigh




Teston Parish Council states:


“Teston Parish Council fully supports the comments made by West Farleigh Parish Council.  This proposal is for coverage of some 23.2 hectares with polytunnels.  It seems to us that this presents a considerable floodrisk to neighbouring properties.  Furthermore, these polytunnels will be visually intrusive from right across the valley.  The KCC Country Park at Teston Bridge encourages walkers from far and wide to enjoy the Medway Valley Walk, and these polytunnels will intrude into the landscape that people are coming to enjoy.  For these reasons, Teston Parish Council is very anxious that the scale and number of polytunnels should be kept in tight control in this sensitive rural location.”