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140819 - App B FWP - SCRAIP Update from 140624

Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee







Cabinet Member


Lead Officer


Air quality modelling be undertaken and recommendations included in the Maidstone transport modelling process. Information on the effect of the transport model on air quality be brought to the Committee after the transport modelling is completed.


Data derived from the Maidstone transport modelling exercise will feed into the air quality modelling that will be undertaken by MBC environmental health. The results of the air quality modelling will be reported to the committee once received from environmental health.

Sue Whiteside


With regard to a parking standards policy for Maidstone officers ensure:


i Any planned parking standards policy is cross referenced in the Integrated Transport Strategy, and;

ii The Local Plan and the Integrated Transport Strategy appropriately facilitate a Spatial Policy on parking standards in Maidstone.


A Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will be produced for parking standards in the borough. The Integrated Transport Strategy will include reference to the SPD to ensure the policies are linked. The draft Maidstone Borough Local Plan 2014 includes a reference to the need for a Parking Standards SPD to provide greater detail in support of policy DM13 which seeks to facilitate the delivery of sustainable transport.

Sue Whiteside


Mechanisms be put in place for Councillors to be included in discussion with transport providers. This will also be included as an objective for the 'Transport in Maidstone Borough - Alternatives to using a car' review for 2014-15.


Cabinet Member currently attend the quarterly Quality Bus Partnership (QBP) meetings, which are attended by bus operators. It is recommended that members seek to re-establish the Passenger Transport User Group in order to engage with transport providers across all modes in the borough and beyond.

Sue Whiteside


The proposal to hold a joint meeting with the Economic and Commercial Development OSC to look at the Qualitative date be referred to the Scrutiny Coordinating Committee at their meeting on 10 July 2014.


Joint meeting arranged for 21 October 2014

Christian Scade


Planning policy officer to meet with Ward Members, Parish Councils and Neighbourhood Forums to go through the proposed site allocations in the draft Local Plan in addition to the multi-agency event.



Sue Whiteside


The Cabinet Member for PTD promotes appropriate progress going forward with neighbourhood plans by including PTD OSC to appropriately scrutinise and comment on the Borough's response to the consultation stage of neighbourhood plans.


The council's response when formally consulted on a draft neighbourhood plan should in particular focus on the plan’s consistency with the existing and emerging strategic policies of the local plan, the sufficiency of the evidence which supports the proposals in the neighbourhood plan, and conformity with neighbourhood plan making regulations. Local ward members are involved in the development of neighbourhood plans so, given the timing of neighbourhood plan consultations which may not coincide with regular Committee meetings, the Committee could consider only scrutinising plans where conflict arises. The Committee will be made aware of Cabinet Member reports on neighbourhood plans, so will be able to call a meeting within the consultation period if required.

Sue Whiteside


PTD OSC as part of the review of the Parish Charter scrutinise the planning policy processes to be included in the Parish Charter.



Sue Whiteside