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App B: The Council as a Business? Review SCRAIP



Report Title: The Council as a Business? Review


Report of Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Date of Publication: 24 February 2014


Dates to report back to Committee:      








6 months after publication




12 months after publication












Lead Officer[5]

1.   That a cross party, Member led, budget working group be established and meet at the appropriate critical times in the budget making process;


Councillor Moss/Councillor Greer

The Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee Budget Working Group is established and has been meeting.


Paul Riley

2.   That procurement and legal sections are shared with outside organisations, especially within the public sector as a starting point from which a business section can be developed that can take on other businesses interests;


Cllr Moss

The Legal Services team is part of the MKIP shared service and would look to identify business opportunities as part of MKIP.


The work of the procurement team is being reviewed and any opportunities to generate income will be considered as part of that review.

September 2014

Paul Riley

3.   That the Council set up a ‘work hub’ facility for small businesses utilising space that is not used in Maidstone House or the Gateway. Printing and other resources including mentoring in areas of in-house expertise could be provided for a fee;


Cllr Greer

This service will be provided via the proposed Enterprise Hub at 1 King Street as part of a wider project to support business start-up and provide business support.


Heads of Terms are currently being negotiated with the landlord and the business plan and cash flow forecasts are being finalised.

September 2014

Dawn Hudd

4.   That an event organiser is sought and Mote Park is let for big festival events on a similar scale to the Radio 1 Big Weekend. The viability of establishing an events team should be investigated;


Cllr Greer

This recommendation will be addressed as part of the Maidstone Culture and Leisure (MCL) work programme.   The business plan for MCL will be developed over the next six months and a new Festivals and Events Strategy is being drafted and will be consulted on shortly.

October 2014

Dawn Hudd

5.   That the Council investigate the opportunity presented by the Environment Agency with the introduction of a compulsory 'boat MOT' called the BSS (Boat Safety Scheme).  Existing staff could be trained to provide BSS checks, providing a service to boat owners, but also working to improve safety on the river;


Cllr Ring

Having investigated this opportunity, the knowledge and registration requirements are significant and as there are already fifteen examiners offering this service in Kent with two in Maidstone it is not consider worthwhile to pursue.


John Littlemore

6.   That the Council’s evaluates its facilities and assets i.e. land and buildings with a view to hiring them out for future use to generate an income;

Cllr Moss

The Council will be reviewing its Asset Management Plan and the commercial opportunities arising from the review will be identified and evaluated to maximise income generation.

October 2014

Paul Riley/Dawn Hudd

7.   That the Council develops a marketing model for hiring out its assets and utilising empty space for advertising that includes fees and charges and terms and conditions of use.  This should be advertised widely and information included on;


Cllr Greer

The Council’s approach to commercialisation will include marketing and setting appropriate fees and charges.

October 2014

Dawn Hudd

8.   That the Council address the potential for hiring out the Town Hall in conjunction with events held in Jubilee Square;


Cllr Greer / Cllr Moss

The Council’s approach to hiring out the Town Hall in conjunction with events will be addressed in the new Festivals and Events Strategy.

October 2014

Dawn Hudd

9.   That the Willington Street Park and Ride Site, currently closed on Sundays, is rented out to a private organiser for Boot Fairs;


Cllr Paine

This has been considered in the past for all the park and ride sites and rejected for a number of reasons. However in view of the reduced demand for park and ride this will be considered again over the next three months.

March – June 2014

Jeff Kitson / Steve Goulette

10.                That there is a renewed emphasis on what Maidstone has to offer in terms of Tourism to maximise its financial benefits to the borough; and


Cllr Greer

Significant work has been done on the Visit Maidstone website and social media channels and an app is available.  The visitor offer will be further developed via MCL and the new Festival and Events Strategy.

October 2014

Dawn Hudd

11.                That the Council finds a more cost effective way of charging for small fees ad fines so that the significant numbers of small amounts that are written off (e.g. stray dog fees) are reduced; and the Council is enabled to charge for all the statutory fees it is entitled to.


Cllr Moss

The current systems are considered to be as efficient as possible – these systems will continue to be monitored to identify any future opportunities to improve efficiency.


Zena Cooke / Paul Riley

Notes on the completion of SCRAIP


[1] Report recommendations are listed as found in the report.


[2] Insert in this box the Cabinet Member whose portfolio the recommendation falls within.


[3] The Officer/Cabinet Member responsible for responding to the recommendation should indicate in this box either the acceptance or rejection of the recommendation.

If the recommendation is rejected an explanation for its rejection should be provided.  The ‘timetable’ and ‘lead officer’ boxes can be left blank

If the recommendation is accepted an explanation of the action to be taken to implement the recommendation should be recorded in this box.  Please also complete the ‘timetable’ and ‘lead officer’ boxes.


[4] The Officer/Cabinet Member responsible for responding to the recommendation should indicate in this box when the action in indicated in the previous box will be implemented.


[5] The Officer/Cabinet Member responsible for responding to the recommendation should indicate in this box the Officer responsible for the implementation of the action highlighted in the ‘response’ box.