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Maidstone Borough Council


Maidstone Borough Council


Economic & Commercial Development

 Overview & Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 26 August 2014


Twilight Economy Review Scope


Report of: Sam Bailey, Research and Performance Officer


1.         Introduction


1.1        Following the meeting of the 29th July, a working party was set up to draft a scoping document for the Twilight Economy Review. This will form one of the Committee’s reviews for the 2014/15 municipal year.

1.2        An extract of a report called ‘Maidstone by Night’; which was prepared by the University of Westminster and Bone Wells Associates in 2007; is attached at Appendix B. This will provide some extra context on work that has been carried out in this area since the Night Time Economy review in 2001/2002. Page nine onwards will be of particular interest to the committee regarding the Twilight Economy.


 2.     Recommendation


2.1    That Members discuss the scoping document that has been      prepared attached at Appendix A and consider:


·         The objectives and desired outcomes of the review;

·         The equality issues that will be considered as part of the review;

·         The witnesses required;

·         The methods used to seek evidence e.g. site visits, workshops;

·         Information or training required;

·         The suggested timescale for the review;

·         Its link to the Council’s priorities;

·         Its delivery of effective scrutiny principles; and

·         The suggested co-optees and expert witnesses.


2.2     A major part of the scope will be to agree the definition of the ‘Twilight Economy’. The Research and Performance Officer recommends that the Twilight Economy be defined as ‘Economic activity that occurs in the town centre after ordinary shop and workplace closing times (around 5.30pm) but before the usual pub closing times (around 11.30 pm)’.


3.      Reasons for Recommendation


3.1    At the meeting of the 29th July 2014 the committee decided to undertake a review on the Night Time Economy; with a particular focus on leisure activities in the early evening.


4.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


4.1    The Committee will consider reports that deliver against the following Council priority:


·       For Maidstone to have a growing economy.


4.2    The Strategic Plan sets the Council’s key objectives for the medium term and has a range of objectives which support the delivery of the Council’s priorities.  Actions to deliver these key objectives may therefore include work that the Committee will consider over the next year.


5.      Relevant Documents


5.1    Appendix A – Twilight Economy Draft Scope

         Appendix B – Maidstone by Night Report