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140902 FWP - Appendix C - BWG TofR

Appendix C

Budget Working Group - Terms of Reference


Terms of Reference:  to achieve a closer and more productive link between the Executive and Overview and Scrutiny as the Council develops budget plans for the future.

This will be done by:  


·       Considering the information and assumptions used to create the strategic revenue projection

·       Reviewing and where possible proposing additional savings

·       Assessing the link between the use of resources and the strategic priorities of the Council


·       Considering the level of resources available to support the programme

·       Reviewing areas of the programme that are direct funded

·       Considering proposed schemes for inclusion in the programme

The Budget Working Group will report back to the Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee with any conclusions and / or recommendations.

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee will report to the Executive on the outcome of its deliberations in line with the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules.