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140902 FWP - Appendix D

Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee – SCRAIP[1] Update


7 July 2014




Cabinet Member


Lead Officer


That the Mid Kent Services Director report back to a December joint meeting of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Maidstone Borough Council's Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Swale Borough Council's Scrutiny Committee, on an interim update on the progress of MKIP that should include the independent appraisal of the Director's post which was being undertaken by a cross authority project team.


This has been included as an item (date TBC) on the Committee's future work programme. 

Christian Scade


That a Task and Finish Group, comprising of two representatives from each of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Maidstone Borough Council's Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Swale Borough Council's Scrutiny Committee, be established to consider how MKIPs governance arrangements should be taken forward and how a MKIP communications plan should be developed.


A task group has been set up and will meet for the first time on 10 September 2014. The task group includes representatives from Tunbridge Wells BC's O&S Committee, Maidstone BC's SLCS OSC and Swale BC's Scrutiny Committee.   

Christian Scade


That the Task and Finish Group for MKIP report back to a December Joint meeting of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Maidstone Borough Council's Strategic Leadership and Corporate Service Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Swale Borough Council's Scrutiny Committee


This will be picked up as part of the scoping/planning for the Joint MKIP Task Group.

Christian Scade


That a contact list be circulated to staff and elected members of the three authorities for key contacts for shared service enquiries.



Paul Taylor, Mid Kent Services Director. has confirmed that this information has been produced and circulated.

Paul Taylor

8 July 2014




That an update on complaints received and action taken in relation to the Planning Service Shared Service be reported to the next meeting of the Committee, and that the following witnesses be invited to attend and speak on the item: Ryan O'Connell, Mid Kent Planning Support Manager, a representative of IT and the Leader of the Council.


Unfortunately Ryan O'Connell, Mid Kent Planning Support Manager, was unable to attend Committee on the 5 August 2014. However, following discussion with the Chairman, a short briefing paper on the current position was prepared for the meeting. This was noted by Committee. 

Christian Scade


That the issues highlighted by the Committee each quarter be recorded and highlighted in next year's Annual Review of Complaints report.

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services

Issues raised will be tracked and a summary of action taken will be included in the annual review of complaints for 2014/2015

Sam Bailey


That the Cabinet Member be recommended to approve the proposed policy for the award of Discretionary Housing Payments

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services

Included within the report to Cabinet.

Steve McGinnes


That the Committee be involved in the development of the Local Council Tax Discount Scheme, and the development of options for Council Tax Support in 2015, through a meeting of a working group arranged to take place on Thursday 17 July with a view to report back to the August Committee meeting of the Committee.


Both actions have been completed. A workshop was held on 17 July 2014 which was attended by Cllr Gooch, Cllr Grigg, Cllr Edwards-Daem and Cllr McKay. The findings and recommendations of the sub group were considered by Committee on 5 August 2014.  

Christian Scade


That future reports to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the use of revenue underspend be grouped by subject matter.


The Head of Finance and Resources has agreed that future reports to Committee, on the use of revenue underspend, will be grouped by subject matter.

Paul Riley


That, in view of the financial calendar, an update on the use of revenue underspend be provided to the January 2015 meeting of the Committee.


The Future Work Programme for the Committee has been updated and an update will be provided to the January 2015 meeting. 

Paul Riley; Christian Scade



[1] Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action and Implementation Plan