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Community, Environment and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2014-15



Meeting date

Report deadline

Agenda topics

Details and desired outcomes

Report Author and witnesses

17 June 2014


·         Election of Chair and Vice Chair

·         Future Work Programme for 2014/15 and SCRAIP updates



15 July 2014



·         Cabinet Member Priorities

·         Review of Allocations Scheme

·         Initial reports on:

o   Financial Inclusion update

o   Troubled Families Project


Cllrs Ring and Perry

Neil Coles


Ellie Kershaw

12 August 2014


30 July 2014

  • Health and Wellbeing Board
    • How is it working for Maidstone?
  • Adults and Older People Review – the way forward looking at:
    • Isolation and Loneliness in Older People


Interviews with Bob Bowes and Alison Broom

9 September 2014


27 August


·         Review of the Empty Homes Plan (2013-15)

·         Update on recommendations from Accessing Mental Health Before the Point of Crisis – including CAHMS


Update on recommendations made by CLS&E OSC 2013-14

Neil Coles

Sarah Shearsmith/Sarah Robson


14 October 2014


1 October


·         Acting as the Crime & Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Committee

o   Street population

o   Road safety update

o   Night time economy – violent crime


John Littlemore

Sarah Robson

Invite to go out to Ann Barnes PCC

11 November 2014

29 October


·         Review Isolation and Loneliness –




·         Impact of the Welfare Reforms – initial report – follow up reports if required


·         Update report – Families Matter and Financial Inclusion

Interview witnesses to establish where gaps are, what can be provided and make recommendations.

Jo Tonkin, Kent Public Health

Sarah Shearsmith/Sarah Robson



Steve McGinnis to lead



Ellie Kershaw

9 December 2014


26 Nov


·         Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAHMS)

This item is subject to review following consideration of the update item in September 2014. If CAHMS is to be reviewed by Committee this item will need to be scoped. This includes the option to interview witnesses to establish what provision is being made and make recommendations.

Invite KCC CAMH Commission lead

Interview with NHS rep (TBC)


13 January 2015



·         Maternity Services in the Borough – are they working?


·         Annual refresh of the Health Inequalities Action Plan

·      Interview witnesses to review Maternity services in the borough since the move of the service to Pembury Hospital

·      Committee to see refresh of action plan and then decide if they want to look at a specific part in more detail




Sarah Robson



10 February 2015


·         Young Carers


·         MBC Affordable Housing Development programme


·         Update report – Families Matter and Financial Inclusion

·      How do we identify them?

·      What is the impact on the carer?

·      How is it being delivered

·      Key challenges for supply

Report from Sarah Robson


Andrew Connors




Ellie Kershaw


10 March 2015



·         Review of MKIP Shared Environmental Health Service

·         Housing Strategy Review

·         Draft report on Overview of Health Services in the Borough

·      How is it performing one year on?

John Littlemore/Cllr Ring

Neil Coles


14 April 2015



·         Acting as the Crime & Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Sarah Robson

John Littlemore


Future Items – with dates to be confirmed

-          Private Rented Sector (Update) – Neil Coles

-          Collective switching campaign – Ellie Kershaw