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Joint Transportation Boards

To:                              Maidstone Joint Transportation Board

By:                              Tim Read, Head of Transportation

Date:                          3rd September 2014

Subject:                    Schemes Report

Classification:         For Information

Summary: The purpose of this report is to provide members with a progress report on traffic and safety schemes currently being progressed by KCC Highways and Transportation



1.  A229 Running Horse Roundabout


The scheme to resurface and apply the new road marking lay-out was completed as planned in April.  The roundabout is complex and clearly highly sensitive to any changes made. Drivers are still adapting to the new lay-out, we are continuing to monitor driver behaviour and plan to undertake video surveys to compare behaviour now, compared with surveys undertaken prior to the works.


2.   A229 Stile Bridge to Knoxbridge


The route study is complete and revealed there was no overall pattern to the crashes at many off the sites looked at. A number of the more serious crashes had extenuating circumstances, which could not be addressed with engineering measures.  There have been a high percentage of crashes occurring during hours of darkness and for this reason we are considering the use of high specification cats-eyes, improved signage, together with extensive vegetation clearance at existing signage.


3.    2014-15 Crash Remedial Measure Schemes


The following sites have been identified as part of our annual analysis of crash cluster sites.  These are currently being developed into detailed schemes


·         A249 Sittingbourne Road junction with M20 roundabout – High friction surfacing is planned.

·         A249 Bearsted Road junction with M20 roundabout – Lane destination road markings and high friction surfacing

·         Willington Street junction with Derringwood Drive – improved warning signage on both approaches and extended high friction surfacing

·         Lidsing Road junction with Yelsted Lane – proposed new interactive warning sign

·         A274 Sutton Road junction with Northumberland Road – new warning signs

·         B2163 Penfold Hill and Ash Bank Cottages bends – high friction surfacing and signage

·         A20 Ashford Road junction with Roundwell  - signage improvements


Contact Officer: Michael Heath

Tel: 03000 418181