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140916 FWP Report


Maidstone Borough Council


Planning, Transport and Development

Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Tuesday 19 September 2014


Future Work Programme and SCRAIP Update


Report of: Tessa Mallett, Overview and Scrutiny Officer



1.      Introduction


1.1        The Committee are asked to consider the future work programme, attached at Appendix A, to ensure it is appropriate and covers all issues Members currently wish to consider within the Committee’s remit.


 2.     Recommendation


2.1        That the Committee considers the future work programme, attached at Appendix A, and the update provided in section 7 (below).    


2.2        That the Committee considers the List of Forthcoming Decisions, relevant to the Committee at Appendix B, and discuss whether any of these items require further investigation or monitoring.


2.3        That the Committee considers the SCRAIP update from the meeting of 22 July 2014 at Appendix C.


2.4        That the Committee considers its continuous professional development needs and recommends possible training or development sessions it would like to undertake.


3       Future Work Programme


3.1    At the future work programme workshop on 9 June 2014 members agreed the topics they wanted programmed in for the 2014-15 Municipal Year. The topic suggestions were made by members of the public, Parish Councils, officers and local press.


3.2    Throughout the course of the municipal year the Committee is asked to put forward, and review, work programme suggestions. 


3.3    The Committee’s work programme is currently very full. Members are asked to consider the work programme to ensure it remains appropriate, realistic and covers issues Members currently wish to consider within the Committee’s remit.


3.4    The Committee is reminded that the Constitution states under Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules number 9: Agenda items that ‘Any Member shall be entitled to give notice to the proper officer that he wishes an item relevant to the functions of the Committee or Sub-Committee to be included on the agenda for the next available meeting of the Committee or Sub-Committee. On receipt of such a request the proper officer will ensure that it is included on the next available agenda, the Member must attend the meeting and speak on the item put forward.’


4       List of Forthcoming Decisions


4.1    The List of Forthcoming Decisions (Appendix B) is a live document containing all key and non-key decisions. 


4.2    Due to the nature of the List of Forthcoming Decisions, and to ensure the information provided to the Committee is up to date, a verbal update will be given at the meeting by the Chairman.  The Committee can view the live document online at:


6.      Scrutiny Committee Recommendation Action and Implementation Plan (SCRAIP) Responses


6.1    The issue of making, and monitoring, recommendations is an important part of the scrutiny process.  SCRAIPs set out recommendations following scrutiny meetings/reviews and information is sought on the plan as to whether recommendations are accepted, the action to be taken and by who.


6.2    The SCRAIP update to report can be found attached to this report as Appendix C.  


7       Future Work Programme Update


7.1     Following discussions between the Chairman and officers the agendas for the meetings of 16 and 30 September will be as follows:


     16 September:

·         Cabinet Member Priorities – written report for noting/comment

·         Design South East report on Local Plan consultation events

·         Community Infrastructure Level – preliminary draft charging schedule (at the meeting 19/8 committee asked to move this to 30/ - officers have advised this sits better along with the item above and as a follow on from the 19/8 agenda)

·         Verbal update on Infrastructure Delivery Plan


30 September:

·         Transport in Maidstone – alternatives to using a car – Bus Services review

·         Green and Blue Infrastructure/Open Space Strategy (the open space audit is still ongoing – update report) (moved from 16/9)



7.2     Update on Transport in Maidstone – alternative to using a car review


7.2.1  The Working Group are due to meet on 5 September to review the feedback received from parish councils and councillors on bus service issues they want considered as part of the review.


7.2.2  A meeting with Kent County Council (KCC) public transport officers and the Working Group is arranged for 16 September 2014 to consider and respond to the issues raised.  A report will be presented at the Planning, Transport and Development (PTD) OSC meeting of 30 September.


7.2.3  The meeting of 30 September will be used, in part, to interview witnesses from bus service providers.


7.2.4  An update on the progress of the Cycling and Walking section of this review will be given at the PTD OSC of 16 September.


8.      Impact on Corporate Objectives


8.1     The Strategic Plan sets the Council’s key objectives for the medium   term and has a range of objectives which support the delivery of         the Council’s priorities. 


8.2     The Committee will consider reports that deliver against the     following priorities:


·         ‘For Maidstone to have a growing economy’ and ‘For Maidstone to be a decent place to live”.  


9.      Financial Implications


9.1     To assist O&S committees in their inquiries, a small budget is available for the purchase of necessary equipment and to cover the costs of training, site visits, meetings in locations other than the Town Hall, witness expenses, specialist advice, books and any other cost that might be legitimately incurred by the committees in the course of their activities.


10.    Relevant Documents


10.1   Appendix A – Future Work Programme

          Appendix B – List of Forthcoming Decisions

Appendix C – SCRAIP update report


11.    Background Documents


11.1   None