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140916 - Appendix A - Responsibilities of Cabinet Member for Planning

Responsibilities of Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development


To take the lead within the Cabinet for ensuring that the Council delivers its strategic objectives for Maidstone to be a decent place to live and have a growing economy including a transport network that supports the economy.


Strategic Planning – in liaison with the Leader of the Council to oversee the development, review and implementation of the Council’s:

·         Spatial planning strategy including the Local Development Framework and other spatial planning documents including Development Plan Documents, Development Management policies and development briefs

·         Integrated Transport Strategy Infrastructure Delivery Plan


Performance Management - to ensure excellent standards of performance and improvement with respect to the Council’s services for:


·         Development Management including planning enforcement and land charges

·         Spatial Planning

·         Landscape

·         Conservation

·         Building Control

·         Parking Management and Enforcement

·         Park and Ride service and the development of public transport initiatives

·         Local (District) Highways functions

·         Capital projects and programmes relevant to the portfolio


External Affairs and Partnerships


·         To represent the Council on all relevant partnerships To foster close links with key stakeholders including parish councils, the Developers’ Forum, English Heritage and transport interest groups

·         To take responsibility for relationships with funders including Kent County Council, Highways Agency