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Enc. 2 for Strategic Housing Market Assesment Update

Appendix B - Planning, Transport and Development Overview & Scrutiny Committee







Cabinet Member


Lead Officer


That it be noted the Committee remained very concerned at the high value housing need figure but reluctantly recommended it be accepted by the Cabinet as the current bench mark need figure from which to do the work to arrive at the housing target figure.



Sarah Anderton; Sue Whiteside


That it be recommended officers be fully supported, including if necessary the provision of additional resources, to ensure all aspects are fully investigated to allow Maidstone Borough Council to achieve the minimum target figure possible.



Sarah Anderton; Sue Whiteside


That it be recommended assistance be given to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development to produce interim policies, to include parking, gardens and open space, and housing standards, to protect the borough and ensure development is only carried out where and how the Borough wanted it.



Sarah Anderton; Sue Whiteside


That it be recommended any evidence provided by the public, to assist in reducing the housing need figure, be taken into account.



Sarah Anderton; Sue Whiteside


That Cabinet be recommended to accept the figure of 960 for additional care home places in the Borough.



Sarah Anderton; Sue Whiteside


That the Head of Planning and Development be asked to present a report at a meeting date, to be agreed, providing details on Affordable Housing; what it is; the impact of the percentages outlined in the draft Local Plan, etc. in order to better understand the detail and make informed decisions regarding the Local Plan.



Sarah Anderton; Rob Jarman; Sue Whiteside