Contact your Parish Council

Item 15, Page 24                                      106, ABINGDON ROAD, MAIDSTONE, KENT, ME16 9EH


Reference number: MA/14/0725



Officer Comment


The published report does not include the most recent comments submitted by Barming Parish Council; instead earlier comments were included in error.  The most recent comments are included below and relate to the most recent amended plans submitted:-


Barming Parish Council considered the amended plans and resolved that there are no material reasons to allay their previous concerns as follows:

1.   The proposed extension is two thirds the size of the existing dwelling and as such is overdevelopment of the site;

2.   The proposed extension is neither modest in size nor subservient to the existing dwelling; its scale, type and in particular its appearance still renders it capable of creating a separate dwelling;

3.   The roof lines of the proposed extension are totally unsympathetic and out of keeping with those of the existing dwelling and of the adjacent dwellings in this particular section of Abingdon Road i.e. numbers 106, 108 and 110, and will therefore have a detrimental visual impact on the character and street scene of the dwellings fronting the Tonbridge Road.


For the above reasons, the Parish Council wishes to see this application refused and request that:

·           If the Planning Officer’s view differs, that the application be reported to Committee; and

·           If Members of the Planning Committee are minded to approve the application that a condition is imposed to remove all permitted development rights.


These comments have been addressed within the published report.



The recommendation remains unchanged