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Economic and Commercial Development OSC SCRAIP Update Report


SCRAIP Update for 29 July 2014



Meeting, Date & Minute


Executive Decision Maker

Action Expected Outcome


Lead Officer


That the Commercial Projects Manager be recommended to give priority to carry out a commissioning exercise for the planning and planning enforcement services.



The inclusion of ‘Commissioning’ in the draft Commercialisation Strategy is for two reasons:


-To ensure that a unit or service is delivering outcomes that are required by statute and that Council wish those organisations to deliver; and to ensure that services and outputs in support of those outcomes are being delivered at the standard Council requires.

-To analyse commercial options in response to the definition of those outcomes as part of the STOP, MAKE, BUY, DIVEST decision process.


Planning services are a statutory service and are being delivered in a model which Council already approves. The recommendation is therefore rejected. The committee’s concerns about the standards of delivery are noted and are referred to the Planning, Transport and Development OSC.

Marcus Lawler