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List of S106 contributions held by the Council




Planning Committee


Thursday 25 September 2014


REPORT OF Head of Planning and Development


Report prepared by Steve Clarke 



1.           List of S106 contributions held by the Council


1.1        Reasons for Recommendation


1.1.1     Members may recall that I presented a report to the planning Committee on 12 June 2014 setting out the current position with regard to money held by the Council following s106 agreement payments. This arose from a question raised by Cllr Moriarty at the Council meeting held on 23 April 2014.


1.1.2   At the meeting 12 June 2014 I also advised Members that in future I would report on the situation on a quarterly basis


1.1.3   Attached at Appendix One therefore, is an updated list of s106 agreements where the Council is currently holding money on behalf of the Council and infrastructure providers.


1.2        Recommendation


1.2.1   That Members note the report for information.