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8 OCTOBER 2014







1.1    Councillor Harper gave notice of his intention to move the following motion at the Council meeting on 17 September 2014:


         Pressures for development exist all over the town and Borough of Maidstone.  There are considerable concerns by residents of Fant Ward about the conversion of houses to multiple occupancy properties.  The concerns relate to issues such as over density, overcrowding, lack of amenity space, problems of parking where small terraced houses are sub divided and general environmental impact.


         At the July 2014 Council meeting Mr Elliot Dean asked a question on the over-development of Inner Maidstone and all the Council Groups agreed that this was a matter of concern.


         The Council notes these concerns and requests that this issue be addressed in the Local Plan.  For these purposes "Inner Maidstone" can be defined as Fant, High Street, Bridge and North Wards.  Policies should be prepared to prevent or discourage conversion of housing to multiple occupancies in areas of already high population density.  The Council requests that the Officers report back progress to the next meeting.


1.2    In moving the motion, Councillor Harper added East Ward and Heath Ward to the definition of “Inner Maidstone” in paragraph 3.  The motion, as amended, was seconded by Councillor Naghi.


1.3    The motion, as amended, having been moved and seconded, was referred to the Cabinet for consideration.


1.4    RECOMMENDED:  That the Cabinet consider the motion, as amended, relating to the over-development of “Inner Maidstone.”


NOTE:   A briefing note provided by the Head of Planning and Development to assist the Council in its consideration of the motion is attached as Appendix A.