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7. App A - SCRAIP update report

SCRAIP update report - Scrutiny Coordinating Committee


All OSC SCRAIP report

Please note – all SCRAIPs in grey are still within the deadline for reporting back


Community, Environment and Housing OSC



Meeting, Date & Minute


Executive Decision Maker

Action Expected Outcome


Lead Officer


Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services report back to the Committee, in terms of performance against priorities for Parish Liaison, on:


o Partnerships formed

o Outcomes achieved

o Results for residents

Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services

Agreed – further work required

 The Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services will support Parish Liaison through improved locality and place shaping. The Cabinet Member has programmed a series of introductory meetings between himself, parish councils and the Community Partnerships team, which aim to;


· Strengthen the Parish Council relationships with the Borough Council.

· Help the Parish Council (and its community) enhance its status.

· Harness and encourage parish councils to share and provide its expertise and knowledge on local issues.

· Encourage and support partnership working, involvement from other agencies and increased local voluntary action.



 · Cabinet Member introductory meetings held with all Parish Councils in Maidstone - Sarah Robson has diarised a programme of meetings for September to December 2014. The meetings will provide an overview of the Cabinet Member's role and remit, the role of the Community Partnerships team and key priorities supported by the Community Safety Plan, Community Development Plan and Health Inequalities Action Plan.

 · Quarterly Parish Liaison meetings hosted by Zena Cooke and attended by Cllr Perry, Cllr Peter Cooling, Cllr Geraldine Brown, Paul Riley, John Littlemore, Sarah Robson and Abi Jessop (KCC Community Engagement Officer).

· Local Plan - D:SE facilitated an LP infrastructure day for the Parish Council.

· Annual Parish Conference held in March 2015. John Littlemore has requested Affordable Housing is added to the Agenda.

· Parish Charter to be refreshed for Maidstone. It will aim to set a standard for the Borough and Parish Councils to work together, respecting a vision for partnership working and acknowledging the borough’s rich and diverse character. A working group has been established (chaired by Cllrs Brown and Perry) and MBC HoS have been engaged and commented on the draft.

Sarah Robson


Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure services investigate ownership of allotments along with fairness of allocation of sites

Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services



Jason Taylor


That the following question be send to the Head of Housing and Community Services:


· Would funding beyond 2015 be available to staff the Empty Homes initiative?

Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing



John Littlemore


That the following questions be send to the Head of Planning and Development regarding the Empty Homes Strategy:


· Would the empty homes bought back into use be used as ‘windfall’ figures to reduce the objectively assessed housing need figure for the Local Plan?




Rob Jarman; Sue Whiteside


That the Private Rented Sector Update report be presented to the 13 January meeting of the Community, environment and Housing OSC.

Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing



John Littlemore


That an update report on the second collective switching campaign be presented to the committee at their 10 February 2015 meeting by Programme Manager (Financial Inclusion and Maidstone Families Matter);

Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services; Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing


Date noted

Ellie Kershaw

Economic and Commercial Development OSC


Meeting, Date & Minute


Executive Decision Maker

Action Expected Outcome


Lead Officer


That the Commercial Projects Manager be recommended to give priority to carry out a commissioning exercise for the planning and planning enforcement services.

The Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development


The inclusion of ‘Commissioning’ in the draft Commercialisation Strategy is for two reasons:


-To ensure that a unit or service is delivering outcomes that are required by statute and that the Council wishes those organisations to deliver; and to ensure that services and outputs in support of those outcomes are being delivered at the standard the Council requires.

-To analyse commercial options in response to the definition of those outcomes as part of a STOP, MAKE, BUY, DIVEST decision process.


Planning services are a statutory service and are being delivered in a model which Council already approves. The recommendation is therefore rejected. The committee’s concerns about the standards of delivery are noted and are referred to the Planning, Transport and Development OSC.

Dawn Hudd


The Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development be recommended to adopt the Festivals and Events Policy, subject to:

i. Due consideration being given to rural communities in the final policy;

ii. Advanced warning about traffic management being given to residents before events, specifically in the form of mobile road signs on the highway system, as well as traffic management advice being given on the day of an event;

iii. Work being undertaken to develop a signature event for Maidstone.

The Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development



Laura Case; Dawn Hudd


Consideration be given by officers on how to feed back good news stories from events to the committee




Laura Case; Dawn Hudd


Further information be provided, by the Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development, to explain why recommendation k in the Events Review SCRAIP was rejected

The Cabinet Member for Economic and Commercial Development



Laura Case; Dawn Hudd

Planning, Transport and Development OSC


Meeting, Date & Minute


Executive Decision Maker

Action Expected Outcome


Lead Officer


That ward members of the parishes Design South East are working with are invited to attend the multi-stakeholder meeting to be held in September.



The stakeholder workshop for the parish councils that Design South East are working with has been arranged for 17 September 2014. Local ward members and a range of infrastructure providers have been invited to the event.

Sue Whiteside


That the Design South East report is reviewed by the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee prior to the planned multi-stakeholder meeting.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development


It is anticipated that the report on the outcomes of the Design South East work will go to PTD Overview and Scrutiny committee on 19 August.

Rob Jarman


That before a final decision is made on the draft Local Plan site allocations Parish Councils be informed and discussions take place on the right to build as part of the neighbourhood planning with a view to facilitating a convergence of the two (ie the Neighbourhood Plans and the Local Plan site allocations).

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development


Further engagement with the parishes is planned.

Sue Whiteside


That feedback be sought from Parish Councils on the consultation with Design South East and Parish Councils be informed of how their feedback had been used to develop the Local Plan.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development


A short survey has been sent to each of the parishes involved in the Design South East work in order to obtain feedback.

Rob Jarman


The Head of Commercial and Economic Development provide the Committee with a detailed report for the meeting on 21 October 2014 on the quality of existing and proposed employment sites being used for the development of the Economic Development Strategy and the Local Plan.

Cabinet Member for Economic & Commercial Development

Agreed in principle - further work required

Referred to Sarah Anderton in Planning to produce report for 21 October 2014.

Sarah Anderton


That a joint meeting with the Planning, Transport and Development and Economic and Commercial Development Overview and Scrutiny Committees is arranged to look at the qualitative data for the employment review to be used for the Economic Development Strategy and the Local Plan, possibly in early November 2014.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development


Joint meeting arranged for 21 October 2014.

Sam Bailey; Tessa Mallett


Air quality modelling be undertaken and recommendations included in the Maidstone transport modelling process. Information on the effect of the transport model on air quality be brought to the Committee after the transport modelling is completed.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development


Data derived from the Maidstone transport modelling exercise will feed into the air quality modelling that will be undertaken by MBC environmental health. The results of the air quality modelling will be reported to the committee once received from environmental health.

Sue Whiteside


With regard to a parking standards policy for Maidstone officers ensure:


i Any planned parking standards policy is cross referenced in the Integrated Transport Strategy, and;

ii The Local Plan and the Integrated Transport Strategy appropriately facilitate a Spatial Policy on parking standards in Maidstone.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development


A Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) will be produced for parking standards in the borough. The Integrated Transport Strategy will include reference to the SPD to ensure the policies are linked. The draft Maidstone Borough Local Plan 2014 includes a reference to the need for a Parking Standards SPD to provide greater detail in support of policy DM13 which seeks to facilitate the delivery of sustainable transport.

Sue Whiteside


Mechanisms be put in place for Councillors to be included in discussion with transport providers. This will also be included as an objective for the 'Transport in Maidstone Borough - Alternatives to using a car' review for 2014-15.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development


Cabinet Member currently attend the quarterly Quality Bus Partnership (QBP) meetings, which are attended by bus operators. It is recommended that members seek to re-establish the Passenger Transport User Group in order to engage with transport providers across all modes in the borough and beyond.

Sue Whiteside


The proposal to hold a joint meeting with the Economic and Commercial Development OSC to look at the Qualitative date be referred to the Scrutiny Coordinating Committee at their meeting on 10 July 2014.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development


Joint meeting arranged for 21 October 2014

Christian Scade


Planning policy officer to meet with Ward Members, Parish Councils and Neighbourhood Forums to go through the proposed site allocations in the draft Local Plan in addition to the multi-agency event.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development



Sue Whiteside


The Cabinet Member for PTD promotes appropriate progress going forward with neighbourhood plans by including PTD OSC to appropriately scrutinise and comment on the Borough's response to the consultation stage of neighbourhood plans.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development


The council's response when formally consulted on a draft neighbourhood plan should in particular focus on the plan’s consistency with the existing and emerging strategic policies of the local plan, the sufficiency of the evidence which supports the proposals in the neighbourhood plan, and conformity with neighbourhood plan making regulations. Local ward members are involved in the development of neighbourhood plans so, given the timing of neighbourhood plan consultations which may not coincide with regular Committee meetings, the Committee could consider only scrutinising plans where conflict arises. The Committee will be made aware of Cabinet Member reports on neighbourhood plans, so will be able to call a meeting within the consultation period if required.

Sue Whiteside


PTD OSC as part of the review of the Parish Charter scrutinise the planning policy processes to be included in the Parish Charter.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development

Agreed in principle - further work required


Sue Whiteside


That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be recommended to lobby Kent County Council on the reconfiguration of the gyratory system in Maidstone to ensure safe cycle passages. The design of the gyratory system to incorporate surface cycle passages (not subways) for cyclist heading in and out of the town from west Maidstone using the A20 and A26.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development

Agreed in principle - further work required


MBC will work with KCC to ensure the bridge gyratory scheme incorporates suitable cycling infrastructure and provides safe access in and out of the town centre.

Sarah Anderton; Rob Jarman; Sue Whiteside


That the Head of Planning and Development be recommended to urgently refresh and update the draft Maidstone Borough Council Draft Cycle Strategy, dated June 2012, for further scrutiny by the Committee with a view to consulting upon and formally adopting the refreshed Strategy. The Committee would aim to have the principal proposals relating to cycling used to inform the emerging Integrated Transport Strategy

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development

Agreed in principle - further work required

MBC will work with KCC to refresh and update the draft Maidstone Cycling Strategy as part of the development of the Integrated Transport Strategy to help ensure a comprehensive and holistic approach to transport matters.

Sarah Anderton; Rob Jarman; Sue Whiteside


That the Head of Planning and Development be asked to report back to the Committee on the costs and possible sites for the provision of cycle ways from rural locations (Villages and Hamlets) with poor bus services, to bus stops on major routes with a more frequent bus service. In addition provide cycle parking at the end of these routes. The short term aim should be to firstly identify the routes and provide the cycle parking with the longer term aim of developing the cycle route to the cycle parking.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development

Agreed in principle - further work required

MBC will work with KCC to refresh and update the draft Maidstone Cycling Strategy as part of the development of the Integrated Transport Strategy. As part of this process, consideration can be given to the inclusion of rural routes and cycle parking provision in the cycling strategy as appropriate.

Sarah Anderton; Rob Jarman; Sue Whiteside


That the Head of Planning and Development be recommended to request from Kent County Council a copy of the results of their trials of 20 mile per hour speed limits around schools in the borough and a copy of their policy for 20mph zones around schools in the borough.



Noted. This information has been supplied to the Committee by Cllr Chittenden.

Sarah Anderton; Rob Jarman; Sue Whiteside


That the Head of Planning and Development be recommended to reintroduce the Maidstone Cycling Forum and ensure it is supported by an officer with responsibility for cycling in their job description. Additionally a lead member should be identified to act as a cycling champion within the authority.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development


A new dedicated transport planning resource for MBC is currently being appointed. The transport planning job remit will include the need to consider cycling as integral part of the development of the Integrated Transport Strategy and can extend to include re-establishment of the Cycling Forum.

Sarah Anderton; Rob Jarman; Sue Whiteside


That the Head of Planning and Development be asked to report back to the Committee the reason why Maidstone Borough Council has not signed up to the Kent County Council service standards for Public Rights of Way.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development


It was determined that this service could be delivered and charged for by the MKIP Legal Services rather than being out-sourced to KCC.

Sarah Anderton; Rob Jarman; Sue Whiteside


That it be noted the Committee remained very concerned at the high value housing need figure but reluctantly recommended it be accepted by the Cabinet as the current bench mark need figure from which to do the work to arrive at the housing target figure.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development


Cabinet noted the concerns of the Committee around the high value housing need figure. It was noted that the revised figure was helpful in that it had taken the figure downwards.

Sarah Anderton; Sue Whiteside


That it be recommended officers be fully supported, including if necessary the provision of additional resources, to ensure all aspects are fully investigated to allow Maidstone Borough Council to achieve the minimum target figure possible.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development


This was referred to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development who agreed with the Committee’s recommendation.

Sarah Anderton; Sue Whiteside


That it be recommended assistance be given to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development to produce interim policies, to include parking, gardens and open space, and housing standards, to protect the borough and ensure development is only carried out where and how the Borough wanted it.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development


This was referred to the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development who advised that this work was already ongoing but any assistance would be most welcome.

Sarah Anderton; Sue Whiteside


That it be recommended any evidence provided by the public, to assist in reducing the housing need figure, be taken into account.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development


Cabinet noted the recommendation and advised that any evidence provided by the public that had already come forward had been sent on for consideration by Spatial Policy officers.

Sarah Anderton; Sue Whiteside


That Cabinet be recommended to accept the figure of 960 for additional care home places in the Borough.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development


Cabinet agreed with the recommendation and advised that they would be adopting the figure of 960 for additional care home places in the Borough.

Sarah Anderton; Sue Whiteside


That the Head of Planning and Development be asked to present a report at a meeting date, to be agreed, providing details on Affordable Housing; what it is; the impact of the percentages outlined in the draft Local Plan, etc. in order to better understand the detail and make informed decisions regarding the Local Plan.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development


Cabinet advised that the Head of Planning and Development, in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development would be undertaking a workshop to give Members an understanding on affordable housing provision and this would include information on the viability work which lead to the differentials in percentage terms for the affordable housing.

Sarah Anderton; Rob Jarman; Sue Whiteside


That it be recommended when representations to the Local Plan are collated, each representation to be provided with a response explaining why the representation had been / not been taken forward and included in the Local Plan using the template report attached to the agenda for the meeting.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development

Agreed in principle - further work required


Sarah Anderton; Rob Jarman; Sue Whiteside


Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services be recommended to involve the Kent Association of Local Councils and Area Committee Officers in the preparatory work for the review of the Parish Charter, before consulting fully with all parish councils, to ensure a process of two way communication in the development of Neighbourhood Plans and the Local Plan is included.

Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services



John Littlemore


The Head of Planning and Development be recommended to ensure representatives from parish councils and Area Committee Officers are involved in the design of the process for administering the distribution of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), before consulting fully with all parish councils, before the Local Plan is adopted, so parish councils are assured Maidstone Borough Council fulfils its’ duty to pass the appropriate level of CIL receipts to local councils.

Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Development



Rob Jarman; Sue Whiteside


The Head of Housing and Community Services be asked to email to members of the committee an overview of the different categories and classifications of affordable housing and eligibility criteria for each.

Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing



John Littlemore

Scrutiny Coordinating Committee


Meeting, Date & Minute


Executive Decision Maker

Action Expected Outcome


Lead Officer


That Democratic Services be asked to look at the possibility of developing a Pocket Guide to the MBC Constitution to summarise the roles and responsibilities of all Councillors.



Democratic Services can look into producing a short guide but further information on what exactly is required is sought. In previous years new Members have been given A Councillors Guide but this is so out of date and there wasn't time to update it prior to handing out to new Members but this is a lengthy document and not a pocket guide. The Local Government Association has recently issued the Councillors Guide for new councillors for 2014/2015 and this has been forwarded to new Members. We will look at what could go in a pocket guide and fit this around other democratic work.

Sandra Marchant


That subject to the inclusion of the Local Plan in relation to Planning, Transport and Development OSC and review by the Monitoring Officer, the Committee recommended the revisions to Article 6 of the Council's Constitution, as set out in Appendix A to the report of the Senior Corporate Policy Officer, be agreed by full Council.

Full Council


The proposed revisions were approved by Full Council on 23 July 2014.

Christian Scade


That subject to the footnote on page 9 being moved to page 2 and a number of typos being corrected, the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2013-14 be approved for submission to full Council.



The changes suggested by committee were included in the final report. The final report was considered by Full Council on 23 July 2014 and is now available on the MBC website.

Tessa Mallett

Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services OSC


Meeting, Date & Minute


Executive Decision Maker

Action Expected Outcome


Lead Officer


The Mid Kent Services Director report back to a December joint meeting of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Maidstone Borough Council's Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Swale Borough Council's Scrutiny Committee, on an interim update on the progress of MKIP that should include the independent appraisal of the Director's post which was being undertaken by a cross authority project team.

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services

Agreed in principle - further work required

This has been included as an item (date TBC) on the Committee's future work programme. 

Christian Scade


A Task and Finish Group comprising of two representatives from each of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Maidstone Borough Council's Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Swale Borough council's Scrutiny Committee, be established to consider how MKIPs governance arrangements should be taken forward and how a MKIP communications plan should be developed.

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


A task group has been set up and will meet for the first time on 10 September 2014. The task group includes two representatives from Tunbridge Wells BC's O&S Committee, Maidstone BC's SLCS OSC and Swale BC's Scrutiny Committee.   

Christian Scade


The Task and Finish Group for MKIP to report back to a December Joint meeting of the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Maidstone Borough Council's Strategic Leadership and Corporate Service Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Swale Borough Council's Scrutiny Committee

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services

Agreed in principle - further work required

This will be picked up as part of the scoping/planning for the Joint MKIP Task Group.

Christian Scade


A contact list be circulated to staff and elected members of the three authorities for key contacts for shared service enquiries.



Paul Taylor, Mid Kent Services Director. has confirmed this information has been produced and circulated.

Christian Scade


An update on complaints received and action taken in relation to the Planning Service Shared Service be reported to the next meeting of the Committee, and that the following witnesses be invited to attend and speak on the item: Ryan O'Connell, Mid Kent Planning Support Manager, a representative of IT and the Leader of the Council.

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services

Agreed in principle - further work required

Unfortunately Ryan O'Connell, Mid Kent Planning Support Manager, was unable to attend Committee on the 5 August 2014. However, following discussion with the Chairman, a short briefing paper on the current position was prepared for the meeting. This was noted by Committee. 

Christian Scade


That the issues highlighted by the Committee each quarter be recorded and highlighted in next year's Annual Review of Complaints report.



Issues raised will be tracked and a summary of action taken will be included in the annual review of complaints for 2014/2015

Sam Bailey


That the Cabinet Member be recommended to approve the proposed policy for the award of Discretionary Housing Payments

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


Included within the report to Cabinet.

Steve McGinnes


That the Committee be involved in the development of the Local Council Tax Discount Scheme, and the development of options for Council Tax Support in 2015, through a meeting of a working group arranged to take place on Thursday 17 July with a view to report back to the August Committee meeting of the Committee.

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


Both actions have been completed. A workshop was held on 17 July 2014 which was attended by Cllr Gooch, Cllr Grigg, Cllr Edwards-Daem and Cllr McKay. The findings and recommendations of the sub group were considered by Committee on 5 August 2014.  

Christian Scade


That future reports to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the use of revenue underspend be grouped by subject matter.



The Head of Finance and Resources has agreed future reports to Committee, on the use of revenue underspend, will be grouped by subject matter.

Paul Riley


That in view of the financial calendar an update be provided to the January meeting of the Committee.



The Future Work Programme for the Committee has been updated and an update will be provided to the January 2015 meeting. 

Paul Riley; Christian Scade


That the Cabinet be recommended to consider the following options when making the recommendation to Full Council as to the Local Council Tax Discount Scheme to be implemented in 2015/16:

a) Maintaining the current 13% reduction for working age households;

b0 reducing the level of reduction for working age households to 9.5% with the additional cost met through the removal of the discount available for 2nd adult rebate, provision for backdated awards and reduction in the capital limit to £6000.

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


Recommendation included within the report to Cabinet on 7th October 2014.


Steve McGinnes


That an update on how best to approach the wider review of the Local Council Tax Discount Scheme at the end of the current three year agreement be considered at Committee during November.

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


Update to be provided to the committee in November 2014.


Steve McGinnes


That the details of the next vacancy for district members on the Kent County Council Superannuation Committee and the procedures for substitution be circulated to the Committee by Councillor Blackmore.




Paul Riley


That the previous SCRAIPs regarding Asset Management be circulated to Councillor McLoughlin.



The following information has been sent to the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services via email: (a) The Capital Programme Review Report (Cabinet, June 2013); (b) Capital Programme Review - Follow Up – (SLCS OSC, March 2014); and (c) the SCRAIP (with response) from July 2012 in relation to the Asset Management Item (Corporate Services OSC).

Christian Scade


That any changes made to the bus timetables of the Park and Ride service be reported back to the Committee.



Any changes to the Park & Ride bus timetables will be published on the Councils WebPages under: to enable the Committee to be kept informed.

Jeff Kitson


That the Corporate Improvement Plan be considered in 6 months as a stand-alone report.

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


The update on the Corporate Improvement Plan will come to Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny as a separate report from now on.

Georgia Hawkes


That the Waste Section's programme of public information, including the implementation of symbols or languages on bins, be reported back to the Committee.

Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing


Have provided a copy of the updated plan to Christian Scade for distribution to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee. The plan outlines the activities planned for the remainder of the year including distribution of recycling stickers, doorstepping and school workshops.

Jennifer Shepherd


That the Capital projects review be included within the terms of reference of the Budget Working Group.



As agreed, this information was included in the (draft) terms of reference for the Budget Working Group and considered by Committee in September 2014 as part of the future work programme item

Christian Scade


That the Head of Commercial and Economic Development be asked to consider distributing event notices for the attention of ward members, to ensure members are informed, and able to offer advice on events/festivals planned for their wards.




Dawn Hudd


That the presentation of the complaints report, with particular reference to the communication of numerical data and use of percentages, be reconsidered by report authors for future reports.



Work will be carried out on changing the format and content of the complaints report for the quarter 2 report, particularly around the presentation of statistical data.

Sam Bailey


That the Shared Head of Environment and Public Realm be asked to ensure Medway Council's out of hours Contact Centre are aware of events/festivals taking place across Maidstone borough to ensure if complaints are received out of hours, these are passed on to the appropriate MBC staff to deal with in a timely fashion.




Gary Stevenson


That the communication process between Medway Contact Centre and Maidstone BC be clarified and reported back to the Committee via a SCRAIP update.




Gary Stevenson


That clarification be provided by the report author on sections 1.11.1 and 1.11.5 of the report with regard to the levels of complaints and compliments received per service.



The figures for this quarter for complaints and compliments were correct, however what was stated in paragraph 1.11.5 was incorrect for this quarter. What was stated in this paragraph is generally true, however it was not the case this quarter due to the higher than usual number of complaints against Parks and Leisure and the high number of compliments received by various teams this quarter.

Sam Bailey