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141007 FWP Report - App C

Appendix C: SCRAIP Update Report



Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services OSC


Please note – all SCRAIPs in grey are still within the deadline for reporting back



Meeting, Date & Minute


Executive Decision Maker

Action Expected Outcome


Lead Officer


That the Cabinet be recommended to consider the following options when making the recommendation to Full Council as to the Local Council Tax Discount Scheme to be implemented in 2015/16:

a) Maintaining the current 13% reduction for working age households;

b0 reducing the level of reduction for working age households to 9.5% with the additional cost met through the removal of the discount available for 2nd adult rebate, provision for backdated awards and reduction in the capital limit to £6000.

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


Recommendation included within the report to Cabinet on 7th October 2014.


Steve McGinnes


That an update on how best to approach the wider review of the Local Council Tax Discount Scheme at the end of the current three year agreement be considered at Committee during November.

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


Update to be provided to the committee in November 2014.


Steve McGinnes


That the details of the next vacancy for district members on the Kent County Council Superannuation Committee and the procedures for substitution be circulated to the Committee by Councillor Blackmore.




Paul Riley


That the previous SCRAIPs regarding Asset Management be circulated to Councillor McLoughlin.



The following information has been sent to the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services via email: (a) The Capital Programme Review Report (Cabinet, June 2013); (b) Capital Programme Review - Follow Up – (SLCS OSC, March 2014); and (c) the SCRAIP (with response) from July 2012 in relation to the Asset Management Item (Corporate Services OSC).

Christian Scade


That any changes made to the bus timetables of the Park and Ride service be reported back to the Committee.



Any changes to the Park & Ride bus timetables will be published on the Councils WebPages under: to enable the Committee to be kept informed.

Jeff Kitson


That the Corporate Improvement Plan be considered in 6 months as a stand-alone report.

Cabinet Member for Corporate Services


The update on the Corporate Improvement Plan will come to Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny as a separate report from now on.

Georgia Hawkes


That the Waste Section's programme of public information, including the implementation of symbols or languages on bins, be reported back to the Committee.

Cabinet Member for Environment and Housing


Have provided a copy of the updated plan to Christian Scade for distribution to the Overview & Scrutiny Committee. The plan outlines the activities planned for the remainder of the year including distribution of recycling stickers, doorstepping and school workshops.

Jennifer Shepherd


That the Capital projects review be included within the terms of reference of the Budget Working Group.



As agreed, this information was included in the (draft) terms of reference for the Budget Working Group and considered by Committee in September 2014 as part of the future work programme item

Christian Scade


That the Head of Commercial and Economic Development be asked to consider distributing event notices for the attention of ward members, to ensure members are informed, and able to offer advice on events/festivals planned for their wards.




Dawn Hudd


That the presentation of the complaints report, with particular reference to the communication of numerical data and use of percentages, be reconsidered by report authors for future reports.



Work will be carried out on changing the format and content of the complaints report for the quarter 2 report, particularly around the presentation of statistical data.

Sam Bailey


That the Shared Head of Environment and Public Realm be asked to ensure Medway Council's out of hours Contact Centre are aware of events/festivals taking place across Maidstone borough to ensure if complaints are received out of hours, these are passed on to the appropriate MBC staff to deal with in a timely fashion.




Gary Stevenson


That the communication process between Medway Contact Centre and Maidstone BC be clarified and reported back to the Committee via a SCRAIP update.




Gary Stevenson


That clarification be provided by the report author on sections 1.11.1 and 1.11.5 of the report with regard to the levels of complaints and compliments received per service.



The figures for this quarter for complaints and compliments were correct, however what was stated in paragraph 1.11.5 was incorrect for this quarter. What was stated in this paragraph is generally true, however it was not the case this quarter due to the higher than usual number of complaints against Parks and Leisure and the high number of compliments received by various teams this quarter.

Sam Bailey