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141014 - Crime & Disoder App 1

Appendix 1

Safer Maidstone Partnership

The Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership for Maidstone


Sarah Robson, Community Partnerships Manager

October 2014


The Safer Maidstone Partnership, the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership for Maidstone, brings together a number of agencies that can make an impact on reducing crime and anti-social behaviour in the Maidstone borough.


The Safer Maidstone Partnership has to produce an annual rolling plan, which is informed by an annual Strategic Assessment. This update for the Scrutiny committee outlines the steps in the process carried out so far and the timetable that the Safer Maidstone Partnership will follow.



1. Strategic Assessment consultation

·         Consultation will run with the Safer Maidstone Partnership, its sub-groups and other key partners from 1 January to 28 February 2015.

·         Available on paper and on-line.


2. Strategic Assessment

·         This document is produced annually by Maidstone Borough Council, and provides the evidence for the content of the next Community Safety Partnership Rolling Plan.

·         It includes latest crime statistics, analysis, information gathered from neighbourhood panels, consultation responses as well as a commentary on how the CDRP task groups are performing.

·         The document is still in draft format, but early analysis of Quarter 1 (April to June) crime data shows there has been a rise of 8.5% in the total number of crimes recorded in Maidstone, driven mainly by an increase in violence against the person, sexual offences and robbery. In most crime categories Maidstone has generally performed averagely when compared with its most similar group of CDRPs. A first quarter (April – June 2014) crime briefing is attached as Appendix 2.

·         The Safer Maidstone Partnership will consider the first draft of the Strategic Assessment document at its meeting on 4 December 2014 and will then use it to set its priorities for 2015-2016. The final Strategic Assessment will be formally approved by the Safer Maidstone Partnership at its meeting on 5 March 2015.


3. Safer Maidstone Partnership Rolling Plan

·         Written by Maidstone Borough Council during December 2014 – January 2015.

·         Scheduled to be agreed by Safer Maidstone Partnership at its 5 March 2015 meeting.

·         Scheduled for Council Cabinet March 2015 (date to be set)

·         Scheduled for Council adoption April 2015 (date to be set)

·         Launch and Distribution from May 2015 onwards