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Minutes of Previous Meeting





Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 8 October 2014



Councillor Mrs Blackmore (Chairman), and

Councillors Burton, McLoughlin and Mrs Ring






49.        Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillors Greer and Perry.




50.        Urgent Items


There were no urgent items.




51.        Notification of Visiting Members


There were no visiting members.




52.        Disclosures by Members and Officers


There were no disclosures by Members or Officers.




53.        Disclosures of lobbying


There were no disclosures of lobbying.




54.        EXEMPT ITEMS


RESOLVED:  That the items on the agenda be taken in public as proposed.




55.        Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 September 2014


RESOLVED:  That the Minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2014 be approved as a correct record and signed.




56.        References from Council - Petitions


Members considered the Reference from Council which set out details of two Petitions that were presented at the meeting regarding the Allocation of Housing Sites in Lenham and Future Housing Development in Headcorn. 

Allocation of Housing Sites, Lenham

Rob Jarman, the Head of Planning and Development advised Members that he hoped to report back to both Cabinet and Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee in January 2015 to deal with the issues raised in the Petition.


He stressed that the 1,500 homes issue form part of a broad location within the draft Local Plan which would not be considered until the latter part of the plan (in the years 2026 – 2031).  It was envisaged that a review would take place in 2021 on whether or not these houses would  still be required and or that numbers could be reduced.

It was emphasised that a lot of consideration would be given to the highway transport modelling system, using VISUM software technology and great regard would be given to the surrounding conservation area, listed buildings and protection of the North Downs views.

It was also noted that that the Council had been meeting with Parish Councils and Residents Associations and other organisations to discuss the draft Local Plan.

Future Housing Development – Headcorn

It was noted that unlike Lenham, it was not proposing a broad location for housing at Headcorn.  Officers carry out individual site assessments and would be undertaking a cumulative assessment and further highway transport modelling would be carried out.


Officers would be meeting with KCC Education to discuss whether the current Primary School could accommodate additional children which would be brought about by additional development or whether an alternative site could be identified where a new school could be built.

RESOLVED:  That the Petitions and the comments made at the Council meeting be noted and that Officers report back in January 2015 recommending amendments to draft housing site allocations.



57.        Reference from Council - Motion - Over-Development of Inner Maidstone


Members considered the Reference from Council relating to a Motion – Over-development of Inner Maidstone.


That due to the existence of policies and work in progress which address the issues raised in the motion relating to over-development of “Inner Maidstone”, it was agreed that there was no requirement for a further report at this time. 

For further information regarding this decision, please follow this link:



58.        Reference from Council - Motion - Cycling Safety and the Gyratory System


Members considered the Reference from Council relating to a Motion – Cycling Safety and the Gyratory System.


That there is appropriate and sufficient dialogue with the Kent County Council’s Highways Authority to address the issues raised in the motion relating to Cycling Safety and the Gyratory System and it not therefore considered that a further report is needed at this time.

For further information regarding this decision, please follow this link:



59.        Reference from Council - Motion - Bedroom Tax


Members considered the Reference from Council relating to a Motion – Bedroom Tax.



1.           As a review of the Housing Allocation Policy was undertaken less than six months ago, there is no need to carry out another review.  The actions taken to assist residents in downsizing to smaller accommodation was noted;

2.           The Council will continue to do all it can within the Council’s legal powers to minimise the impact of spare room subsidy on families where there maybe short term absences and also people with disabilities where additional bedrooms may be required due to a person’s disabilities;

3.           The Leader of the Council will write to the Ministers of Housing and Work and Pensions setting out the facts and experiences in Maidstone arising from the spare room subsidy policy and send a copy to the LGA; and

4.           The Leader will also provide feedback at the next full Council meeting in December under the ‘Current Issues’ agenda item.

For further information regarding this decision, please follow this link:



60.        Report of Head of Revenues and Benefits Shared Services - Local Council Tax Discount Scheme


Members considered the report of the Head of Revenues and Benefits Shared Service relating to the Local Council Tax Discount Scheme.

Councillor Burton left the meeting at the conclusion of this agenda item.



1.      That the recommendation of the Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 5 August 2014 be noted;

2.           That Cabinet Recommends to Full Council that the scheme be maintained from 1st April 2015 at its current level, providing a 13% reduction in the former national council tax benefit scheme as set out within Appendix A to the report of the Head of Revenues and Benefits Shared Service; and

3.           That the recommendation 1.2.3 of the report of the Head of Revenues and Benefits Shared Service be deleted.



61.        Report of the Director of Environment & Shared Services - Flooding Events in Maidstone


Members considered the report of the Director of Environment and Shared Services relating to Flooding Events in Maidstone.


The actions and progress made to date were noted as detailed in Appendix A to the Report of Environment and Shared Services and of the work facilitated through a range of organisations including the parish councils, the National Flood Forum and Environment Agency.

For further information regarding this decision, please follow this link:



62.        Duration of Meeting


6.30 p.m. to 7.40 p.m.

