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141103 WorkProgramme

Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2014-15


Meeting Date

Report Deadline

Agenda Items

Details and desired outcome

Report Author and Witnesses


9 June


Election of Chair and Vice Chair

Forward Work Planning

Draft results of Local Plan public consultation




24 June



·       Update on the state of play with the ITS




Peter Rosevear and Tim Read from KCC possibly attending


22 July


·         Transport review – Cycling witnesses to be invited




29 July


·         Workshop with ECD OSC @5:15pm to feed in ideas for the Economic Development Strategy in relation to the Local Plan




19 August


6 August

·         Validation and summary of representations from the consultation on local plan

·         Review of strategic housing market assessment


Rob Jarman


Sarah Anderton


16 September


3 September

·         Cabinet Member priorities for 2014-15

·         Design South East report on the Local Plan consultation events (before the multi-stakeholder workshop)

·         Community Infrastructure Levy – preliminary draft charging schedule

·         Verbal update on Infrastructure Delivery Plan

·         SCRAIP response to 22/7 – 31b to f



Cllr D Burton

Sue Whiteside


Darren Bridgett

Darren Bridgett

30 September

17 September

·         Transport in Maidstone – alternatives to using a car – BUS SERVICES

·         Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy – including the Open Space Standards action plan



Matthew Arnold, Arriva

Mike Fitzgerald, EMBG

Norman Kemp, NuVenutre

Rob Jarman/Sue Whiteside



·         Multi-stakeholder meeting


Date/time to be arranged

Rob Jarman


21 October


8 October

·         Implications arising from a review of the Economic Development Strategy, Qualitative Study on Employment Sites and key employment issues arising from local plan representations

·         Joint meeting with ECD OSC


Sarah Anderton


Meeting Date

Report deadline

Agenda Items

Details and desired outcome

Report Author and Witnesses


18 November


5 November

·         Transport in Maidstone – alternatives to using a car – RAIL SERVICES

o    Draft Walking and Cycling Report

o    Draft Bus Services Report




16 December



3 December

·         Maidstone Borough Local Plan representations - Development Management Policies

·         Results of Qualitative Landscape Study

·         Results of Qualitative Agricultural Land Classification


Rob Jarman



20 January


7 January 2015

·         Local plan site allocations (new and deleted) for further public consultation (regulation 18) including Gypsy and Traveller site allocation

·         Revisit inclusion of Invicta Barracks in Local Plan

·         Verbal update on Infrastructure Delivery Plan


Rob Jarman




Darren Bridgett

17 February


4 February

Draft report on review of Transport in Maidstone – alternatives to using a car

All three parts (walking and cycling, buses and rail)



17 March


4 March




21 April


8 April

Infrastructure Delivery Plan for Local Plan[1]


Rob Jarman


Keep open for discussion possibly adding to FWP

·         Update on the paperless pilot with parishes for planning support (see minutes of 15/4/14)

·         Office space – ensuring prime office space doesn’t get converted to residential developments

·         Mobile phone services – eradicate dead zones in the town. Motorways and main trunk roads

·         Improving the Borough’s sewerage provision and infrastructure (relations with Southern Water)

·         Planning permissions – recommending Planning Committee review the impact of contentious developments

·         Revisit the discussion on the removal of the Invicta Barracks from the Local Plan


[1] Probably not needed if verbal updates given at Aug and Jan meetings