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Enc. 2 for Mid Year Strategic Plan Performance Update 2014/15

For Maidstone to have a growing economy

Outcomes by 2015:

1.     A growing economy with rising employment, catering for a range of skill sets to meet the demands of the local economy.




Good Performance

Responsible Officer




LVE 003 Percentage of vacant retail units within the town centre


Aim to minimise

John Foster

Maidstone is a shopping centre of regional significance. Its continued attractiveness for businesses, visitors and shoppers is important to the prosperity of the Borough.


LVE 002 Percentage of people claiming Job Seekers Allowance


Aim to minimise

John Foster

JSA claimant count records the number of people claiming Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) and National Insurance credits at Jobcentre Plus local offices. People claiming JSA must declare that they are out of work, capable of, available for and actively seeking work during the week in which the claim is made. Measures the health of the jobs economy.

DCV 002 a)Percentage of major business planning applications take-up of pre-applications advice b) Percentage of those taking pre-application advice where the applications were approved


Aim to maximise

Rob Jarman

These indicators measure the take-up and quality of pre-application advice. Pre-application advice is being promoted by the team to ensure that developments are high quality and well designed.


R&B 002 Value of business rateable floor space


Aim to maximise

Steve McGinnes/ John Foster

The rateable value represents the open market annual rental value of a business/non-domestic property. This means the rent the property would let for on the valuation date, if it was being offered on the open market.

Learning & Development

KCC 003 Number of 16-18 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEETS) (NEW)


Aim to minimise

Sarah Robson

Non-participation in education, employment or training between the ages of 16 and 18 is a major predictor of later unemployment, low income, depression, involvement in crime and poor mental health.

Learning & Development

KCC 004 Working age people educated to NVQ level 4 of higher (NEW)


Aim to maximise

Sarah Robson

This indicator is needed because of the important role local authorities have with regard to economic development and the key part that skills and qualifications play in supporting economic development.


2.  A transport network that supports the local economy.




Good Performance

Responsible Officer



PKG 008 Percentage change in bus usage on services from Maidstone depot


Aim to maximise

Jeff Kitson

To assess the change is bus usage as part of the monitoring of the outcome ‘a transport network to support the local economy’. This indicator shows if more or less journeys are being made by buses. The source data is provided by Arriva and are global figures for their Maidstone depot –and cover sections of route beyond the boundary however they give a good indication of what is happening in the area.


PKG 007 Number of Park and Ride transactions


Aim to maximise

Jeff Kitson

The Indicator compares the on bus transaction figure (these are the cash sales to passengers boarding buses) on Park and Ride with the one for the same period of the previous year therefore, assessing fluctuations in the service usage.


PKG 002 Income from pay and display car parks per parking space


Aim to maximise

Jeff Kitson

Pay and Display income is monitored closely - data collated daily will be used to calculate the income per parking space at each quarter of the financial year. Demonstrating income efficiency and usage in monetary terms.


For Maidstone to be a decent place to live

3.   Decent, affordable housing in the right places across a range of tenures.




Good Performance

Responsible Officer



DCV 003 Percentage of residential planning applications processed within statutory timescales


Aim to maximise

Rob Jarman

To ensure local planning authorities determine planning applications in a timely manner. These indicators measure the percentage of planning applications dealt with in a timely manner for their respective categories. 


DCV Processing of planning applications within statutory timescales - 004 (Majors), 005 (Minors) ,006 (Others)


Aim to maximise

Rob Jarman


HSG 010 Net addition homes delivered


Aim to maximise

Rob Jarman

This indicator measures the net increase in dwelling stock over the year. This was originally a national indicator that was introduced to encourage a greater supply of new homes to address the long term housing affordability issue.

HSG 001 Number of affordable homes delivered


Aim to maximise

John Littlemore

To promote an increase in the supply of affordable housing. This indicator shows how many affordable homes have been delivered.

HSG PS 003 Number of private sector homes improved


Aim to maximise

John Littlemore

This is the number of private sector homes that have been improved by various means throughout the year in which the outcome has had a positive impact of the resident’s health, safety or welfare.


DCV 007 Average cost of planning service per application


Aim to minimise

Rob Jarman

This indicator is to assess value for money in the planning processing expressed per application. Costs will exclude enforcement work.


HSG 003 Average grant per MCB funded affordable home unit



John Littlemore

Total supply of all affordable dwelling completions built or acquired by RSLs (or other bodies) with financial support (grant) directly from the Council, i.e. all affordable homes delivered via schemes which MBC has contributed to, divided by the total grant paid.  This will include any renovations or conversions (resulting in the provision of additional affordable dwellings).

Learning & Development

SPT 004 Percentage of new homes built on previously developed land


Aim to maximise

Rob Jarman

To encourage the provision of additional housing on previously developed land and through conversions of existing buildings in order to minimise development on green fields.






4.       Continues to be a clean and attractive environment for people who live in and visit the Borough.




Good Performance

Responsible Officer



COM 008 Satisfaction with local area as a place to live (Resident Survey)


Aim to maximise

Sarah Robson

MBC recognises that the quality of place remains a priority to residents and drives how satisfied people are with their local area as a place to live. These indicators will provide MBC with a baseline of local satisfaction which will help us identify and address the sorts of issues affecting how residents feel about their local area.


DEP 004 Satisfaction with street cleaning (residents survey)


Aim to maximise

Jonathan Scott


PKS 002 Satisfaction with Parks & Open Spaces (residents survey)


Aim to maximise

Jason Taylor


DEP 007 Percentage of fly-tipping reports responded to within 1 working day


Aim to minimise

Jonathan Scott

Fly-tipping is the common term used to describe waste illegally deposited on land as described under Section 33 of the Environment Protection Act 1990. This indicator is to monitor the timely removal of illegal dumping of waste on relevant land and highways.


DCE 001 Percentage of planning enforcement cases signed off within 21 days


Aim to maximise

Rob Jarman

To ensure a timely response to planning enforcement.


DEP 002 Local Street & Environmental Cleanliness a) Litter, b) Detritus (NI 195ab)


Aim to minimise

Jonathan Scott

The percentage of relevant land and highways that is assessed as having deposits of litter or detritus that fall below an acceptable level.


WCN 001 Percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting (NI 192)


Aim to maximise

Jonathan Scott

The indicator measures percentage of household waste arising’s which have been sent by the Authority for reuse, recycling, composting or anaerobic digestion. This is a key measure of local authorities’ progress in moving management of household waste up the hierarchy, consistent with the Government’s national strategy for waste management.


PKS 001 Cost of maintaining the borough’s parks and open spaces per head of population


Aim to minimise

Jason Taylor

To monitor the cost of maintaining the borough’s parks and open spaces


WCN 002 Cost of waste collection per household


Aim to minimise

Jonathan Scott

To monitor cost of municipal waste disposal, to ensure that good value for money is achieved while delivering a high quality service.


DEP 003 Cost of street cleansing per head of population


Aim to minimise

Jonathan Scott

The cost of street cleansing per head of the residents of Maidstone is an indicator to show any changes in the cost of street cleansing.

Learning & Development

WCN 004 Total waste arising’s per household (NEW)


Aim to minimise

Jennifer Shepherd

In line with the position of waste reduction at the top of the waste hierarchy, the Council wishes to see a year on year reduction in the total amount of waste arising’s per household. Local authorities have an important role to play in assisting their residents to reduce waste (as well as encouraging sorting of waste for recycling, re-use, home composting and other forms of home treatment of waste).

Learning & Development

CMP 001 Percentage CO2 reduction from local authority operations


Aim to maximise


The public sector is in a key position to lead on CO2 emissions reduction by setting a behavioural and strategic example to the private sector and the communities they serve. The aim of this indicator is to measure the progress made by MBC to reduce CO2 emissions from the relevant buildings and transport used to deliver its functions and to encourage them to demonstrate leadership on tackling climate change.

Learning & Development

CDP 011 Recorded crime per 1,000 population


Aim to minimise

Sarah Robson

This indicator provides a snapshot of the level of crime in the borough and its direction of travel. The data for this indicator comes from Kent Police.


5.       Residents are not disadvantaged because of where they live or who they are, vulnerable people are assisted and the level of deprivation is reduced.




Good Performance

Responsible Officer



HSG 009 Average length of stay in bed and breakfast accommodation (those leaving TA)


Aim to minimise

John Littlemore

Average length of stay in temporary accommodation (TA) for those leaving TA in period.  To measure the authority’s success in reducing temporary accommodation use.


INT 001 Percentage of the Borough covered by Broadband


Aim to maximise

Dave Lindsay

A broadband internet connection is increasingly viewed as a vital utility at work and home – the electricity of the 21st century. A largely deregulated market means that broadband services are competitively priced. However, it also makes the provision of these services a commercial decision by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), often favouring the denser urban areas.


R&B 004 Average time taken to process new benefit claims and changes of circumstances


Aim to minimise

Steve McGinnes

HB/CTB of £19bn is paid to over 5 million low income households. Delays in the administration of these benefits can impact on some of the most vulnerable people in our society by:

·      Leading to rent arrears and evictions

·      Preventing access to housing because landlords are reluctant to rent to HB customers

·      Acting as a deterrent to people moving off benefits into work because of the disruption to their claim


HSG 005 Number of households presented from becoming homeless through intervention


Aim to maximise

John Littlemore

To measure the effectiveness of housing advice in preventing homelessness or the threat of homelessness.  Under section 179(1) of the Housing Act 1996 part VII, as amended by the Housing Act 2002, housing authorities have a duty to ensure that advice and information about homelessness and prevention of homelessness are available free of charge to anyone in their district.


MFM 001a Number of families accepted on the Maidstone Families Matter programme



Aim to maximise

Ellie Kershaw

These indicators measure the progress of the Maidstone Families Matter programme. This is Maidstone’s local version of the government’s Troubled Families Programme.  Currently this programme runs until March 2015.

MFM 001b Percentage of those accepted to the Maidstone Families Matter programme that have been engaged with


LVE 007 Gap between median wage of employee (residents) and the median wage of employees (workplace) (salary differences)


Aim to minimise

John Foster

Proxy indicator measure for increases in standard of living but also a measure of economic competitiveness with knowledge driven industries requiring higher skilled labour force and able to pay higher wages. Resident based wage levels in Maidstone are higher than the workplace based levels suggesting lower skilled and lower wage level local economy.

Learning & Development

CDP 003 Percentage of residents participating in neighbourhood planning as a percentage of the ward population


Aim to maximise

Sarah Robson

Resident participation is important for successful neighbourhood planning. This indicator assesses what percentage of the ward population have been involved and participated in the process.

Learning & Development

KCC 003 Number of 16-18 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEETS) (REPEATED)


Aim to minimise

Sarah Robson

Non-participation in education, employment or training between the ages of 16 and 18 is a major predictor of later unemployment, low income, depression, involvement in crime and poor mental health.

Learning & Development

KCC 004 Working age people educated to NVQ level 4 of higher (REPEATED)


Aim to maximise

Sarah Robson

This indicator is needed because of the important role local authorities have with regard to economic development and the key part that skills and qualifications play in supporting economic development.


Corporate and Customer Excellence

Outcomes by 2015:

6.   Services are customer focused and residents are satisfied with them. (Customer & Resident Scorecard )




Good Performance

Responsible Officer



COM 001 Percentage of residents satisfied with the way the Council runs it’s services


Aim to maximise

Roger Adley

MBC recognises that the quality of place remains a priority to residents and can influence how satisfied people are with their local area as a place to live. These indicators will provide MBC with an indication of local satisfaction which will help them identify and make improvements to the borough and to how services are delivered.


Percentage of residents satisfied with key services:

WCN 003 Refuse & Recycling collections

PKS 003 Maidstone Leisure Centre

PKS 002 Parks and open spaces

DEP 004 Street cleanliness


Aim to maximise

Jonathan Scott & Jason Taylor


R&B 009 Percentage of customers satisfied with benefits service


Aim to maximise

Steve McGinnes

The indicator is intended to gauge the level of customer satisfaction with how the benefit service operates. 


COM 007 Percentage of residents that feel that the Council keeps them well informed about the services and benefits it provides.


Aim to maximise

Roger Adley

One of MBC’s key roles is to provide advice, therefore it is important to ensure that residents and customers can easily access and understand the information that we provide. These indicators demonstrate the levels of satisfaction with of our communications.  


CTC 001 Average wait time for calls (Seconds)


Aim to minimise

Sandra Marchant

This indicator is the average wait time a customer telephoning the Contact Centre has to wait before being answered by a Customer Service Advisor.


CTC 002 Percentage of customers to the Gateway seen within 20 minutes


Aim to maximise

Sandra Marchant

This indicator is the percentage of visitors to the Gateway responded to within 20 minutes by a Customer Service Advisor. The aim is to keep customers wait times to a minimum and to improve access to Council services.


Percentage of residents agreeing that the Council provides value for money (Residents Survey)


Aim to maximise

Paul Riley & Roger Adley

This indicator measures the extent to which resident is feel that the Council is providing value for money. The Council has a duty provide services that are cost efficient.

Learning & Development

PIT 002 Percentage of those making complaints satisfied with how their complaint was handled


Aim to maximise

Angela Woodhouse

These indicators are to measure complaints resolved on time and to gauge the level of customer satisfaction with the complaints process.  These are also reported as part of the quarterly complaints report.

PIT 001 Percentage of complaints resolved within specified timescale


Aim to maximise

Angela Woodhouse


7.   Effective, cost efficient services are delivered across the borough.




Good Performance

Responsible Officer



WCN 006 Number of missed bins per 100,000 collections


Aim to minimise

Jonathan Scott

This indicator monitors the performance of the contractor and ensures that the service delivers quality and that changes are communicated properly to residents. 


BIM 003a Percentage of customer contacts made in person in the Gateway


Aim to minimise

Georgia Hawkes

This suite of indicators measures contact to council across the Gateway, Contact Centre and Website in order to assess the progress of the channel shift project.

BIM 003b Percentage of customer contacts made online by visiting the councils website

Aim to maximise

BIM 003c Percentage of customer contacts made by phone through the contact centre

Aim to minimise


BIM 004 Change in the number of out-going post items,


Aim to maximise (Negative change)

Georgia Hawkes

It is more costly to send an item in the post than it is to do so by email.  This indicator monitors the change in number of post items being sent out to inform progress on the channel shift project.


R&B 006 Percentage of Council tax collected


Aim to maximise

Steve McGinnes

These two indicators monitor the collection of Council Tax and NNDDNR against the target, the collection of which is a key local authority function.


R&B 005 Percentage of business rates collected


Aim to maximise

Steve McGinnes


BIM 002 Percentage of financial transactions not carried out on-line or by direct debit/standing order


Aim to minimise

Georgia Hawkes

This is a test of value for money.  Payments made on-line or by direct debit, standing order or direct credit cost the Council much less to process than payments made over the phone or cash or cheques sent in the post or deposited at the payment kiosks.


DVC 007 Average cost of planning service per application


Aim to minimise

Rob Jarman

The measure the cost of the development management team per application they have processed.

Learning & Development

HRO 001 Working Days Lost Due to Sickness Absence (rolling year) (BV 12)


Aim to minimise

Dena Smart

To monitor the level of sickness absence in the council.