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Appendix A - Annual Governance Statement Action Plan Update

Appendix A

Updated Actions for 2014-15

Governance Issue

Action Update

By When

By Whom

Implementation of the Information Management Action Plan

The vision and principles for information management have been agreed


An information management officer was appointed in September. A number of actions have been completed:


·  New Freedom of Information and Data Protection Guidance developed

·  Training Programme for staff under development

·  Asset Register creation begun

·  Public Disclosure Log for Freedom of Information Requests now on the internet

·  Begun drafting Information Sharing Policy

·  Produced guidance for staff on information Sharing

·  Research carried out for Information Management Strategy and Information Sharing Policy

·  Identification of approach to the Information Risk Register

·  Research into best practice and approach to record retention and disposal

The action plan has targets for the next eighteen months.

Angela Woodhouse, Head of Policy and Communications

Embedding Corporate Governance and Ensuring Best Practice is identified

The Corporate Governance Working Group has met twice and will continue to meet quarterly.

Quarterly meetings with updates to Audit Committee and CLT every six months.

Angela Woodhouse, Head of Policy and Communications

A new Communication and Engagement Strategy will be put in place to run from 2015-2020 alongside the Strategic Plan

Work has been undertaken to identify the key stakeholders.


The Communication and Engagement Strategy will support the delivery of the Strategic Plan work has begun with Heads of Service to identify key communication and engagement actions that will support the strategic priorities.


A strategy and action plan will be developed based on the agreed strategic priorities to be finalised.

(Proposed timetable)

Drafted November - February


Overview and Scrutiny Invited to Review March 2015.


Approved by Cabinet April 2015.

Angela Woodhouse, Head of Policy and Communications

The residents survey identified that more work needed to be done on developing residents involvement in decision making as only 29% of respondents believe they can influence decision making in their area.

We have run you said we did campaigns in the Borough Update


A Cabinet Budget and Strategic Plan Road show commenced in October and will be completed in November to inform the development of the Strategic Plan and Medium Term Financial Strategy.


September 2014

Angela Woodhouse, Head of Policy and Communications

Updating the Strategic Risk Register

Corporate Leadership Team have considered the current risk register in the context of the new strategic plan. It has been agreed that a new strategic risk register will be created in 2015/16


Corporate Leadership Team

Audit Reviews with Limited Assurance:




Freedom of Information


Museum Collections

Action Plans have been put in place. A full update will be provided to Audit Committee in January.

To be reviewed as part of the six monthly review of the annual governance statement action plan

Head of Housing and Community Services


Head of Policy and Communications


Head of Commercial and Economic Development

New Strategic Plan for 2015/2020

A corporate planning timetable will be agreed by Cabinet in September 2014


The Cabinet has agreed a draft set of priorities for consultation.


A budget and strategic plan road show is underway. The results of which will feed into the strategic plan


A series of briefings have been held with staff to look at how the priorities can be taken forward.


Heads of Service have looked at the actions to achieve the priorities and unit managers have considered possible measures.




(Proposed timetable)

Drafted September – October 2014.


Cabinet Approved for Consultation December 2014.


Overview and Scrutiny Invited to Review January 2015.


Approved by Cabinet February 2015.

Cabinet and Corporate Leadership Team