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Appendix A – Overview and Scrutiny Work Programmes (2014/15)


·         Strategic Leadership and Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee


·         Community, Leisure Services and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee


·         Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee


·         Economic and Commercial Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee



Strategic Leadership & Corporate Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Future Work Programme 2014/15


Meeting Date



Agenda Items



Details and desired outcome


Report Author / Possible Witnesses

10 June 2014

·         Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman



·         Work programming workshop


·         Appoint Chairman and Vice-Chairman for 2014/15


·         Ascertain work plan for the year and select and develop review topics focusing on achievable outcomes




·         Christian Scade

7 July 2014

·         MKIP Update

·         Co-located simultaneous meeting with Tunbridge Wells BC and Swale BC to consider options for scrutiny review.  

·         Paul Taylor / Jane Clarke / Alison Broom / William Benson

8 July 2014

·         Use of Revenue Underspend

·         Discretionary Housing Payments

·         Q 4 / End of Year Complaints Report


·         Local Council Tax Support Scheme – Options for (a) 2015/16 and (b) beyond.  

·         Requested by Committee in May 2014

·         Pre-decision scrutiny before July Cabinet

·         Quarterly Report


·         A topic for scrutiny review. An initial report will be needed in July to set the scene and to consider options for scrutiny involvement moving forwards.

·         Paul Riley

·         Steve McGinnes

·         Sam Bailey / Angela Woodhouse

·         Steve McGinnes 

5 August 2014

·         Annual Performance Report


·         Cabinet Member Priorities for 2014/15 (Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Corporate Services)

·         Capital Programme Update 2014-15





·         Local Council Tax Discount Scheme – Options for Consultation

·         Annual Report and KPI Targets for 2014/17


·         A written report, of no more than one side of A4, was requested by Committee in June, as an information item.   

·         Subject to the work of the budget working group (see notes below) this would be an opportunity for a general update and on  recommendations  made by scrutiny as part of the Capital Programme Review

·         Options for Consultation / Feedback from the O&S workshop

·         Clare Wood


·         Cllr Blackmore and  Cllr McLoughlin


·         Paul Riley




·         Steve McGinnes

2 September 2014

·         Q 1 Complaints Report

·         FWP – including terms of reference for the Budget Working Group


·         Quarterly Report

·         Recommendations of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman to the Committee on the inclusion of the Capital Programme and Budget Strategy  within the BWG terms of reference


·         Sam Bailey 

·         Christian Scade


7 October 2014

·         Budget Strategy 2015-16 Onwards (Revenue)

·         Q1 Performance Report


·         See notes below ref Budget Working Group

·         Quarterly Report


·         Paul Riley


·         Clare Wood


4 November 2014






2 December 2014

·         Mid-Year Performance Report



·         Q2 Complaints Report




·         Mid-Year Report – with a detailed briefing (and discussion) on homelessness indicators - HSG005 & HSG 009

·         Quarterly Report – to include information on complaints ref The Social and Events Management  in general


·         Clare Wood / Ellie Kershaw



·         Sam Bailey and Jason Taylor


6 January 2015

·         Strategic Plan

·         Communication and Engagement Strategy (Update) 


·         Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)

·         Budget Strategy – Capital, Revenue, Fees and Charges

·         Revenue Under Spend – Update


·         Customer Service Improvement Strategy (Date TBC)




·         Policy Framework Document

·         Update for consideration at the same time as the Strategic Plan (links to issues discussed by Committee in April 2014)

·         See notes below ref Budget Working Group


·         This was requested by Committee in July 2014

·         Pre-decision scrutiny with an opportunity to look at channel shift / moving services online


·         Angela Woodhouse

·         Angela Woodhouse 



·         Paul Riley



·         Paul Riley


·         Georgia Hawkes

12 January 2015




(Details TBC)


·         The Mid Kent Services Director to report back to a January 2015 joint meeting with an interim update on the progress of MKIP that should include the independent appraisal of the Director’s post which is being undertaken by a cross authority project team (led by Zena Cooke)  

·         Final Report from the Joint MKIP Task and Finish Group


·         Joint OSC meeting with SBC and TWBC ref MKIP 


·         Bob Pullen (SBC), Holly Goring (TWBC), Jane Clarke, Paul Taylor, Zena Cooke, Alison Broom 

3 February 2015

·         Work Force Strategy  (Date TBC)




·         Accommodation Project  (Date TBC) 





·         Corporate Improvement Plan


·         Equality Objectives Update (Date TBC)

·         A possible (mini) review – an initial report will be needed to set the scene and to consider options for scrutiny involvement.


·         Update report following completion of work by the cross-party working party. Report to come to SLCS OSC before Cabinet.


·         6 Monthly report


·         There will be a workshop held in January 2015 which will inform the new Equality Objectives. An Equality Objectives Update Report would then be available for consideration by Committee in February/March 2015.


·         Dena Smart / David Edwards / Alison Broom



·         David Edwards




·         Georgia Hawkes


·         Clare Wood

3 March 2015

·         Q 3 Performance Report  

·         Q3 Complaints Report

·         Quarterly Report

·         Quarterly Report

·         Clare Wood

·         Sam Bailey 

7 April 2015





Budget Working GroupThe Committee agreed to set up a Budget Working Group. Terms of reference were agreed by Committee in September 2014.


Joint MKIP Task and Finish Group – Final report due for consideration by (Joint) Committee in January 2015.  


Future Items:  


·         Planning Support Shared Service – Complaints Report - DATE TBC

o   An update was requested by Committee, in July 2014, on complaints received. This update was noted by Committee in August 2014


·         New Asset Management Plan – Paul Riley / David Tibbit – DATE TBC  


·         The Debt Recovery Policy to include Irrecoverable Business Rates – a suggestion put forward (in July 2014) by the Local Council Tax Discount Scheme Working Group. The Policy is with the Director of Regeneration and Communities for consideration, and a date for their consideration at Committee is to be confirmed


Community, Environment and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Work Programme 2014-15



Meeting date

Report deadline

Agenda topics

Details and desired outcomes

Report Author and witnesses

17 June 2014


·         Election of Chair and Vice Chair

·         Future Work Programme for 2014/15 and SCRAIP updates



15 July 2014



·         Cabinet Member Priorities

·         Review of Allocations Scheme

·         Initial reports on:

o   Financial Inclusion update

o   Troubled Families Project


Cllrs Ring and Perry

Neil Coles


Ellie Kershaw

12 August 2014


30 July 2014

  • Health and Wellbeing Board
    • How is it working for Maidstone?
  • Adults and Older People Review – the way forward looking at:
    • Isolation and Loneliness in Older People


Interviews with Bob Bowes and Alison Broom

9 September 2014


27 August


·         Review of the Empty Homes Plan (2013-15)

·         Update on recommendations from Accessing Mental Health Before the Point of Crisis – including CAHMS


Update on recommendations made by CLS&E OSC 2013-14

Neil Coles

Sarah Shearsmith/Sarah Robson


14 October 2014


1 October


·         Acting as the Crime & Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Committee

o   Safer Maidstone Partnership update

o   Street population

o   Road safety update

o   Night time economy – violent crime

Update on work of SMP

Future plans of SMP


  • John Littlemore
  • Alison Broom, Chair SMP
  • CI Simon Wilson, V Chair SMP
  • Steve Horton, Kent Rd Safety Team
  • Nick Sylvester, KFRS
  • Insp Jody Gagan-Cook
  • Sgt Tristan Stevens
  • Will Myers, Street Outreach
  • Kim Flain, CRI

John Littlemore

Sarah Robson

Invite to go out to Ann Barnes PCC


11 November 2014

29 October


·         Review Loneliness and Isolation in the Over 65s of Maidstone borough


Interview witnesses to establish where gaps are, what can be provided and make recommendations.

Jo Tonkin, Kent Public Health

Louise Hudson, Public Health

Sarah Shearsmith/Sarah Robson

Janet Greenroyd Community Wardens

Paul Coles AgeUK



9 December 2014


26 Nov


·         Maternity Services in the Borough – are they working?


·         Review of Street Cleansing

·         Impact of the Welfare Reforms – initial report – follow up reports if required

·         Update report – Families Matter and Financial Inclusion – report only

·       Interview witnesses to review Maternity services in the borough since the move of the service to Pembury Hospital

Ask Bob Bowes to attend



Jennifer Shepperd

Steve McGinnis to lead

Ellie Kershaw


13 January 2015



·         Private Rented Sector Update report

·         Annual refresh of the Health Inequalities Action Plan

·       Rescheduled from September

·       Committee to see refresh of action plan and then decide if they want to look at a specific part in more detail


Sarah Robson



10 February 2015


·         MBC Affordable Housing Development programme

·         Update on the second Collective Switching Campaign

·         Update report – Families Matter and Financial Inclusion


Andrew Connors

Ellie Kershaw

Ellie Kershaw


10 March 2015



·         Acting as the Crime & Disorder Overview and Scrutiny Committee


·       Annual Strategic Assessment and rolling plan

Sarah Robson

John Littlemore



14 April 2015



·         Review of MKIP Shared Environmental Health Service

·         Housing Strategy Review

·         Draft report on Loneliness and Isolation in the Over 65 Age Group of the Maidstone Borough

  • How is it performing one year on?

John Littlemore/Cllr Ring


Future Items – with dates to be confirmed


·         Young Carers



Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2014-15


Meeting Date

Report Deadline

Agenda Items

Details and desired outcome

Report Author and Witnesses


9 June


Election of Chair and Vice Chair

Forward Work Planning

Draft results of Local Plan public consultation




24 June



·       Update on the state of play with the ITS




Peter Rosevear and Tim Read from KCC possibly attending


22 July


·         Transport review – Cycling witnesses to be invited




29 July


·         Workshop with ECD OSC @5:15pm to feed in ideas for the Economic Development Strategy in relation to the Local Plan




19 August


6 August

·         Validation and summary of representations from the consultation on local plan

·         Review of strategic housing market assessment


Rob Jarman


Sarah Anderton


16 September


3 September

·         Cabinet Member priorities for 2014-15

·         Design South East report on the Local Plan consultation events (before the multi-stakeholder workshop)

·         Community Infrastructure Levy – preliminary draft charging schedule

·         Verbal update on Infrastructure Delivery Plan

·         SCRAIP response to 22/7 – 31b to f



Cllr D Burton

Sue Whiteside


Darren Bridgett

Darren Bridgett

30 September

17 September

·         Transport in Maidstone – alternatives to using a car – BUS SERVICES

·         Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy – including the Open Space Standards action plan



Matthew Arnold, Arriva

Mike Fitzgerald, EMBG

Norman Kemp, NuVenutre

Rob Jarman/Sue Whiteside



·         Multi-stakeholder meeting


Date/time to be arranged

Rob Jarman


21 October


8 October

·         Implications arising from a review of the Economic Development Strategy, Qualitative Study on Employment Sites and key employment issues arising from local plan representations

·         Joint meeting with ECD OSC


Sarah Anderton


Meeting Date

Report deadline

Agenda Items

Details and desired outcome

Report Author and Witnesses


18 November


5 November

·         Transport in Maidstone – alternatives to using a car – RAIL SERVICES

o    Draft Walking and Cycling Report

o    Draft Bus Services Report




16 December



3 December

·         Maidstone Borough Local Plan representations - Development Management Policies

·         Results of Qualitative Landscape Study

·         Results of Qualitative Agricultural Land Classification


Rob Jarman



20 January


7 January 2015

·         Local plan site allocations (new and deleted) for further public consultation (regulation 18) including Gypsy and Traveller site allocation

·         Revisit inclusion of Invicta Barracks in Local Plan

·         Verbal update on Infrastructure Delivery Plan


Rob Jarman




Darren Bridgett

17 February


4 February

Draft report on review of Transport in Maidstone – alternatives to using a car

All three parts (walking and cycling, buses and rail)



17 March


4 March




21 April


8 April

Infrastructure Delivery Plan for Local Plan[1]


Rob Jarman


Keep open for discussion possibly adding to FWP

·         Update on the paperless pilot with parishes for planning support (see minutes of 15/4/14)

·         Office space – ensuring prime office space doesn’t get converted to residential developments

·         Mobile phone services – eradicate dead zones in the town. Motorways and main trunk roads

·         Improving the Borough’s sewerage provision and infrastructure (relations with Southern Water)

·         Planning permissions – recommending Planning Committee review the impact of contentious developments

·         Revisit the discussion on the removal of the Invicta Barracks from the Local Plan



Economic and Commercial Development OSC – Work Programme 2014/15


Meeting Date

Agenda Deadline

Agenda Items

Details and Desired Outcomes

Witnesses and Report Authors

29th July

16th July

·         Cabinet member priorities-written report

·         Draft Commercialisation Strategy

Members would like cabinet member to provide a report highlighting priorities, and then to question him on this report.


Meeting will begin at 7.30pm.

·         Cabinet member

·         Marcus Lawler

26th August

13th August

·         Events and festivals strategy

·         Events review SCRAIP follow up

·         Draft Scoping Document for Twilight Economy Review

These items will come together as requested by the committee during the work programming workshop at the meeting of 1st July because it was felt they were related.


Scoping document for Twilight Economy review for members to comment on.

·         Laura Case

29th September

(re-arranged from the meeting of the 23rd September)

17th September

·         Enterprise Hub proposals

Meeting re-arranged in order to provide an update on the proposals for the Enterprise Hub

·         Karen Franek

21st October

8th October

Joint Meeting with Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider the Employment Land Qualitative Report and the Economic Development Strategy.

Implications for the local plan, hence the joint meeting. Needs to take place before the Economic Development Strategy cabinet member decision is taken.


28th October

15th October

·         First set of Witnesses for Twilight Economy review

·         Formation of Maidstone Culture and Leisure


First set of witnesses for Twilight Economy Review.

·         First witnesses for Twilight Economy Review, as specified in scoping document

·         Laura Case

·         Dawn Hudd

25th November

12th November

·         Second set of witnesses for Twilight Economy Review

·         Skills and Employability Update

·         Commercial projects

Following the update on skills and employability projects the committee will consider whether it wishes to conduct a review on skills and employability.


Second set of witnesses for the Twilight Economy Review.


Business cases for commercial projects due for a cabinet member decision in January.


·         Second set of witnesses for Twilight Economy Review

·         Abi Lewis

·         Karen Franek

·         Marcus Lawler


23rd December

10th December

Draft Twilight Economy Report ready for sign off by the Committee



27th January

14th January




24th February

11th February




24th March

11th March




28th April

15th April




Suggestions TBC



Using the River Medway

This item has been considered by the Scrutiny Coordinating Committee and has agreed that this can be considered by this Committee. The Committee needs to decide whether to take this as an item.

Policy for Discretionary Business Rates Relief

Only if MBC can have an influence on business rates. Meeting with Chair/Vice Chair and relevant Officers will determine whether this is the case. Due in August/September.

South East Local Enterprise Partnership

Only if MBC can have an influence on any of this. Meeting with Chair/Vice Chair and relevant Officers will determine whether this is the case.

Barriers and opportunities for rural business/IT infrastructure in offices (broadband)

These will be considered following scrutiny of the employment implications of the local plan in October.


[1] Probably not needed if verbal updates given at Aug and Jan meetings