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Appendix 4: Key Performance Indicator Framework for the Biodiversity and Climate Change Action Plan

As part of the Biodiversity and Climate Change Action Plan, the Decision-Making Processes and Governance section stipulates Action 9.3 to ‘Ensure service plans consider biodiversity and addressing climate change and performance indicators are set as needed’. The indicators outlined in this framework are for monitoring performance and progress against the Biodiversity and Climate Change Action Plan Actions and not used for target setting as these are data-led projects and subject to best practices, Government guidance, and new technologies which are all constantly changing.

A full public report outlining the progress made against MBC’s net zero target will be published on an annual basis. The key performance indicator for most projects will be the total reduction in tonnes of carbon equivalent per annum (CO2et). Please Note: many of the indicators identified in this document align with National Government and Kent County Council indicators for clear Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) comparisons and county wide measurements. Additionally, some indicators listed are out of the Councils direct control and are used to monitor changes in public behaviour, changes in markets, and changing technologies. Other indicators are scientifically based and rely on specialised equipment or knowledge - the monitoring of these indicators are subject to budget availability. Quarterly update reports highlighting particular achievements against work packages will be highlighted to council members. Case studies, best practices and achievements will also be shared with the public by identifying the most appropriate ways to share progress with our communities.

The table of key indicators correspond to specific Actions in the Biodiversity and Climate Change Action Plan, and outlines the indicator, baseline, calculations, data sources and the frequency progress will be monitored.




(How is it Calculated?)




(Target Value)

Data Source

(How will it be measured?)


(How often will it be measured?)


(Who will measure?)


(Where will it be reported?)


1.        MBC Estate Carbon Reduction to Net Zero by 2030


Action 7.1 and 7.2


Scope 1 is direct greenhouse gas emissions from sources owned or controlled by the local authority, for example emissions from boilers. Councils have direct control over these emissions.




a.        Overall Reduction in Energy (Gas/Electricity) Usage at MBC directly managed, priority buildings



·          Maidstone House and Link

·          Maidstone Museum

·          Depot

·          Crematorium

·          Town Hall

·          Market Hall (Lockmeadow Market)

·          Cobtree Manor Park Visitors Centre

·          Cemetery

·          Heather House

·          Carriage Museum

·          Archbishops Palace

·          Archbishops Palace Gate House

·          Maidstone Innovation Centre

Still to be Defined, subject to data from Laser Energy and upgrades needed to MBC meters 


Calculated in KWH and CO2e




Carbon Trust 2020 Report


Council operated buildings

make up a significant proportion of the Council’s footprint, together

totalling 473 tCO2e, approximately 11% of total measured emissions

Net Zero by 2030

Laser automated Energy data


Automated meter readings (pending instillation in 2022)


Energy Bills and Costs


Monthly building averages


Quarterly CO2e comparisons


Annual Carbon Footprint

Laser Energy


Update to MBC dashboard will be automated


Overall responsibility MBC Biodiversity and Climate Change Manager

Options: Data compiled in database by Laser and shared monthly or automated into dashboard system[1]


A Public automated dashboard will be available on the MBC website with corresponding CO2 reductions


Annual report


·          Feasibility Study to Decarbonise Buildings

·          Upgrades to Building heating and insulation



·          Staff training on energy efficiency


Short-term Outcomes:

·          Savings in energy and costs

·          Change in energy usage

·          Reductions in co2


Long-term Outcomes:

Net Zero by 2030

2.        Buy 100% renewable energy for our buildings and operations where we control the supply


Action 7.3


Scope 2 accounts for emissions of purchased electricity consumed by the local authority. Councils can impact their Scope 2 emissions by choosing to purchase low carbon electricity.


Percentage shift and proportion of MBC estate on renewable energy supply

Percentage of energy supplied by renewable sources

Fuel mix for MBC estate 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021


Renewable 31.9%

Coal: 4.2%

Natural Gas: 52.6%

Nuclear 6.9%

Other 4.4%


CO2 emissions 227g/kWh


Radioactive waste: 0.0005 g/kWh

100% renewable energy 2023


(Note this is dependant on market forces and renewable energy sources beyond the council’s direct control)

Npower and National Grid


Laser Energy

Annual report


·          Laser to devise road map to 100% renewable options

·          Change of suppliers maybe required

3.        MBC Fleet Carbon Reduction


Action 7.1


Scope 1 is direct greenhouse gas emissions from sources owned or controlled by the local authority, for example emissions from vehicles. Councils have direct control over these emissions.


a.        Reduction in CO2e from MBC directly operated Fleet

Decrease in litres of petrol diesel


Decrease in millage



Carbon Trust 2020 Report



consumption totalling 480

tCO2e, accounting for approximately 11% of the Council’s footprint

Net Zero by 2030

Telematics Data


Depot fuel usage data / milage per vehicle


Depot Manager


Environment & Public Realm Team

Annual Report


Annual Carbon Footprint


Public facing Dashboard


·          Feasibility Study completed November 2021

·          New Sub-Station to increase Depot electricity capacity for full EV fleet

b.        Increase in number of Electric Vehicles operated by MBC

Measures of cost effectiveness

Reduction in fossil fuels

Fuels Costs saved

Carbon Trust 2020 Report



consumption totalling 480


Net Zero by 2030


Green Fleet by 2030

Depot vehicle list


Depot fuel usage data / milage per vehicle


Depot Manger


Environment & Public Realm Team

Annual Report


4.        Borough Wide Carbon Reductions


Actions 2.1 through to 2.6

a.        Improvement in Borough wide Air Quality

Improvement in Air Pollution Banding Value

Kent State of the Environment Report:

Air Quality Update 2020

Net Zero by 2050

Air Quality Index (AQI)


Allied Quality Assurance Publications (AQAP)


Senior Scientific Officer

Annual Report


Low Emission Strategy Update


·          Launch Anti-idling campaign 2022

b.        Number of Borough Electric Vehicle Charging Points

Increase of Number of Borough Electric Vehicle Charging Points


Net Zero by 2050

Parking services


Zap Map


Biodiversity and climate change Manager

Annual Report


EV strategy 2022


5.        Adaptation to Climate Change


Actions 5.1 through to 5.8

a.        Sustainable Policies adopted as part of local plan review

Number of sustainable standards, climate aware and biodiversity enhancing practices adopted in Local Plan 2024

Local Plan 2020


Local Plan 2024


Biodiversity and climate change Manager

Annual Report


6.        Enhance and Increase Biodiversity[2]


Actions 6.1 through to 6.13

a.        Increase in Forest area as a proportion of total land area[3] and Protected, restored existing trees, hedgerow and woodland, whilst increasing the county’s tree cover with the right trees in the right places, which supports the recovery of wildlife, delivers natural climate solutions and enriches people’s lives






Increase in number of trees planted


Number of trees approximate within 1000 taking into account 30% die back rate

Maidstone has 16% forest coverage 2021


Area:  39,342 ha

Maidstone is 10.5% of Kent

Kent is 373,476ha

UK is 24,853,526ha

Kent is 1.54% of the UK.  Kents’ share of Govt/CCC 30,000ha pa target is 453 ha pa

Kent 2050 canopy cover target a 2% increase to 19%, Kent is 373,600 ha, 2% is 7,472 ha

Planting at 453 ha pa; 16 years to hit our 2% ACC target of 7,472 ha

453 ha pa is approx. 700,000 trees pa. (1,500 trees per ha)

Kent tree target: 1.5mil, planting at 1,000-1,500 trees p ha, is at least 1,000 ha – 1,500 ha

up to 453ha per annum across Kent and maintain that rate for 16-17 years until 2050.

KCC members opportunity; target 350 trees per division/ward, over 4-year term; 28,350 trees


Queens Green Canopy Project a tree for every child in care (1700)


A tree for every staff at MBC


Kent 2050 canopy cover target a 2% increase to 19%


MBC estate Tree coverage: 2/3 of owned asset suitable land





Biodiversity and climate change Manager


Parks and Open Spaces Team


Woodland Trust

Annual Report


b.        Percentage of forest cover loss

Proportion of forest cover/green field sites land change for development

Maidstone has 16% forest coverage 2021


Greenfield/agriculture land change baseline to be established


GIS mapping


Biodiversity and climate change Manager

Annual Report


c.         Increase in Community projects engaged (tree/rewild/wetland ect)

Number of community group projects supported


£ subsides, grants given

Baseline to be established


MBC records


Biodiversity and climate change Manager

Annual Report


d.        Quantity of CO2 sequestered 

CO₂ Equiv (kT) Sequestered annually in trees, wetlands, peat, rewilding ect

Baseline to be established

Net Zero by 2030

MBC records


Biodiversity and climate change Manager

Annual Report


Public facing dashboard


7.        Public Awareness and Engagement on Climate and Biodiversity issues


Actions 8.1 through to 8.8


Increase in engagement events


Increase in number of public engaging on climate and biodiversity issues

Number of Volunteers, Attendees to MBC engagement events


Coverage of formal processes for ensuring that women, local communities and youth are engaged


One event per month minimum facilitated by MBC directly

MBC records


Biodiversity and climate change Manager

Annual Report


Public facing dashboard


8.        MBC Procurement reduction in Carbon by suppliers and contracts


Scope 3 includes indirect emissions from wider supply chains (often reaching international jurisdictions), emissions from the use of local authority services, contracted out services and investments. Councils will have a strong influence over some of these emissions (eg contracted out services and investments) and less over others. (See Cheshire East case study in the Procurement & Commissioning section for more details.)


Action 9.6


a.        Number of policies / standards enacted to reduce carbon in MBC contracts

Number of sustainable procurement policies adopted


Number of contracts with sustainable standard included as standard


Decrease in CO2e from suppliers and contractors employed by MBC





Procurement team

Internal monitoring


Annual Report



[1] Internally the use of the Local Government Association (LGA) Carbon Calculator using monthly gas/electricity readings cannot be completed due to incomplete and manually recorded data records of energy/electricity readings from MBC buildings. Recommended to upgrade all buildings meters to automatic so that data can be collected live. Live automated data would enable much closer analysis of daily energy usage which would help pinpoint inefficient electrical devices and maybe useful in public buildings such as the museum to reduce energy usage at certain times of day when less people are at the museum.

[3] Indicator in keeping with POST-2020 GLOBAL BIODIVERSITY FRAMEWORK https://www.cbd.int/doc/c/82d2/cebf/13ebbf343d79abb69ae2119a/sbstta-24-03-add1-en.pdf