Resident survey

We would like to hear about your experience as a Maidstone resident. Complete our resident survey 2024 to have your say and be entered into our prize draw.

Domestic Abuse

Quick exit

One Stop Shop

The One Stop Shop offers free advice, information and support from a range of agencies under one roof. Domestic abuse can affect anyone and  if you would like to discuss your issues, no matter who you are, you are welcome to attend. No appointment is required.

We are available on Tuesday mornings between 9.30am to 11.30am.

Trinity House
20 Church Street
ME14 1LY

Other support and information

If you think you’re a victim of domestic abuse call 01622 602440. You can also report it using our online form.

You can find further help and support in our Directory of Services.

Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse can be violence or the threat of violence or verbal, physical or psychological abuse.

  • Does your partner demand to know where you have been, what you have been doing, who you have been talking to?
  • Does your partner stop you seeing friends and family?
  • Are you afraid of your partner?
  • Does your partner hit, punch, shove, slap, kick, bite, spit or threaten you or your children?
  • Does your partner constantly criticise you or your abilities as a partner or parent?
  • Does your partner threaten consequences if you don’t do what they want?
  • Does your partner threaten you with legal sanctions, such as taking custody of the children?
  • Does your partner threaten you with violence, or themselves with harm if you leave?

If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, you may be in an abusive relationship.

It is important to know that you are not alone, and that there are many services that can help you. You can also read our domestic abuse policy for more information.

Sanctuary Scheme

What is a Sanctuary Scheme

Our Sanctuary Scheme aims to help people that have experienced domestic abuse to remain in their own homes and feel safe. This is done by providing extra security so it is more difficult for unwanted visitors to gain access. The scheme is funded by us, so you won't need to pay anything.

What can the Sanctuary Scheme provide

The scheme is made to fit the needs of the individual. It offers extra security measures to your home and support from agencies. The security measures include;

  • extra locks for windows and doors
  • panic alarms
  • stronger, fireproof doors
  • better security lighting
  • a sanctuary room you can go to and wait for help from the police

Who is eligible for the scheme

The scheme is available to anyone living in Maidstone who is, or could become, homeless because of domestic abuse or hate crime. It is available to homeowners, housing association tenants and people who rent their property privately. If you rent privately, you will need permission from your landlord for the work to take place. If you own or rent your property with the abuser, you will need to seek legal advice. No work can be carried out on a property if the abuser has a legal right to live there.

How does it work

If you are concerned for your safety you can email our Community Safety Housing Officer. The officer will assess your housing needs and if it is agreed that the scheme can help you, we will arrange to visit your home with a security contractor to assess the security changes needed. We aim to complete the improvements within 48 hours of the first visit, which will include showing you how to use the items fitted. You will be asked to complete a form so we can make sure that you were happy with the service.

Benefits of the scheme

  • Continued support
  • No need to move house
  • No need to transfer children to another school
  • No need to change doctors, dentists or other services

Referral Process

All referrals are directed to our Community Safety Housing Officer who will contact the victim and check that the sanctuary criteria are met. If they are met, a security survey is carried out to assess the need for sanctuary measures. The landlord of the property is then contacted to gain permission to do the work. Then, subject to budget, we place the order for the work with the approved contractor. Finally, the contractor installs the security measures, and the police update their computer system to inform officers of the sanctuary.

Safeguarding policy

Maidstone Borough Council believes that all children and adults in the Borough have the right to be safe from harm and deserve the opportunity to fulfil their full potential.

As such, the Council recognises the role and responsibilities it has in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and adults with care and support needs, including the contribution it must make to working together with other agencies to ensure the well-being of the children and vulnerable people in the Maidstone Borough.

The revised policy aims to ensure that an overarching approach to safeguarding is embedded within all Council services and that staff, elected Members, those delivering contracts on behalf of the Council and volunteers understand their role and responsibilities in supporting all residents to live a life free from abuse, exploitation and intimidation.

It applies to all staff, volunteer workers, Members and organisations providing services under contract with Maidstone Borough Council, and works in line with the Kent & Medway Information Sharing Agreement.

The safeguarding policy encompasses:

  • Safeguarding Children & Young People
  • Child Sexual Exploitation
  • Safeguarding Adults at Risk
  • Abuse and Neglect
  • Self-Neglect & Hoarding
  • Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Honour Based Abuse, including Forced Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation
  • Prevent (part of the Government's anti-terrorism strategy)
  • Mental Health & Suicide Awareness