Off-street order

The borough of Maidstone (off-street parking places) (Variation number 3) order 2023

The council of the borough of Maidstone (“the council”) in exercise of its powers under section 35(1) and (3) of the road traffic regulation act 1984 (“the act”) and part iv of schedule 9 to the act, and of all other enabling powers, with the consent of the Kent County Council in accordance with section 39(3) of the act and after consulting the chief officer of police in accordance with part iii of schedule 9 to the act, hereby make the following order:-

  1. This order may be cited as “the borough of Maidstone (off-street parking places) (variation no.3) order 2023” and shall come into effect on the 1 April 2023
  2. In this order the expression “order of 2018” means the Maidstone Borough Council (off-street parking places) order 2018.
  3. The order of 2018 shall have effect as though:
    • (I)in schedule 1 thereto, the details specified in part (I), charges Relating to parking places, items 1,4,6,9,11,12,16,18 and 21 shall be amended
    • (ii)in part (ii) schedule 2 (evening) (any car park) thereto, the tariff charge shall be amended.

Given under the seal of the Maidstone Borough Council

7th day of March 2023

The common seal of the Maidstone Borough Council was affixed in the presence of: authorised signatory