About the Community Infrastructure Levy

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on new developments to help deliver infrastructure to support development in the area. Most new development which creates additional floor space of 100 square metres or more, or creates a new dwelling, is potentially liable for the levy.

On 25 October 2017 we formally approved the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging schedule at full council. It is implemented on planning permissions permitted on and from Monday 1 October 2018.

Infrastructure Funding Statement - The Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) (No.2) Regulations 2019

To improve transparency and accountability around the spending of CIL and planning obligations, we have introduced an annual Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) which includes; a statement of infrastructure that will, or may be, wholly of partly funded by CIL; a CIL and S106 report on receipts, allocations and expenditure. This replaces the Regulation 123 list which previously identified and excluded certain infrastructure types and/or projects intended to be funded wholly or partly by the CIL.

The IFS is published on the CIL Reporting and Infrastructure Funding Statement page.