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CIL Forms

The process and format of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) forms is prescribed by the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) and all forms are available on the planning portal. If the CIL process is not strictly followed we may add surcharges and penalties.

Form 1 - CIL additional information

This form must be submitted with the planning application and will be used to identify whether the application is liable to pay CIL. It asks for details of new floorspace to be created by the development and details of any floorspace to be demolished and/or retained, which can be offset against the new floorspace calculation.

This should be submitted with all applications for full planning permission, including householder applications and reserved matters following an outline planning permission, and applications for lawful development certificates. Failure to submit this form will make the application invalid.

Form 2 - Assumption of liability

This form must be submitted with the planning application. It is required to confirm who will be responsible or liable to pay CIL. We will acknowledge receipt of this form and issue a Liability Notice. The Liability Notice will be sent to the person/s assuming liability for the CIL payment and also to any other interested parties. This notice sets out the amount liable but will not be due for payment at this stage.

Form 3 - Withdrawal of assumption of liability

This form should be used if, at any stage prior to the commencement of development, the person who has assumed liability wishes to withdraw from this liability.

Form 4 - Transfer of assumed liability

This form should be used if, at any stage prior to the commencement of development, the person who has assumed liability wishes to transfer this liability to another person, and this second person is agreeable to assuming liability.

Form 5 - Notice of chargeable development

In some cases, CIL liable proposals can be commenced by ‘general consent’ (e.g. permitted development) or by approval of a lawful development certificate and prior notification. In these cases, it will be the applicant’s responsibility to inform us using form 5 prior to the commencement of development. Failure to submit this form prior to commencement will mean that an exemption will not be possible if the development is chargeable and the full amount of CIL and the full amount of CIL will be charged to become payable with possible surcharges incurred for commencing without submitting a valid commencement notice.

Form 6 - Commencement notice

This form must be sent by the applicant to us at least one day prior to commencement of development on site. We will acknowledge receipt of this notice and will then issue a demand notice in accordance with our instalments policy if appropriate.

Form 7 - Self build exemption claim - part 1

The exemption for self build is only applicable to whole new homes built, or commissioned by individuals for their own use. A conversion or change of use of an existing building to residential will not qualify for self-build exemption.

To be granted a self build exemption, the applicant will have to complete two forms. Form 7 part 1 should be submitted if the applicant is building their own house and they will own a material interest in the house and will occupy it as their principal residence for a minimum of three years after the work is completed. It should ideally be submitted to us at the same time as form 1, but it can be submitted at any point in the planning assessment process. We will then assess the exemption claim. In order to qualify for relief, the applicant must not commence development prior to us confirming in writing our decision to grant relief. Should development commence prior to our decision, the exemption will no longer be possible.

Self build exemption claim - part 2

Within six months of completing the self build dwelling where we have granted self-build exemption (see above form 7, part 1), the recipient of the exemption must complete and submit form 7, part 2, to us, together with the evidence detailed in the form. The self build unit will only be exempt when both parts 1 and 2 have been approved in writing by us.

Failure to provide part 2 within the stated six months from the date of the building compliance certificate, will result in the exemption being withdrawn and the full CIL liability will automatically become due for an immediate payment to us.

The house must be used as the applicant’s main residence, failure to abide by this will result in a disqualifying event. An example of a disqualifying event for relief would be if the dwelling/building was sold on the open market and no longer used for the purpose for which the relief was granted. For self build exemption, the clawback period is three years starting from the date of the building completion certificate.

Form 8 - Self build annex exemption

This form should be submitted if the applicant believes that their development should be eligible to claim an exemption. It should ideally be submitted to us at the same time as form 2. In order to qualify for an exemption, the applicant must not commence development prior to us making a decision to grant an exemption. Should development commence prior to us issuing a decision in writing, an exemption will no longer be possible.

We will write to confirm whether an exemption has been granted. There are specific requirements which must be adhered to, to avoid the exemption granted being withdrawn as a result of a disqualifying event. An example of a disqualifying event for an exemption would be if the dwelling/building was sold on the open market and no longer used for the purpose for which the exemption was granted. For residential annex exemption the clawback period is three years.

Form 9 - Extension exemption claim

This form should be submitted if the applicant believes that their development should be eligible to claim an exemption. In order to qualify for an exemption, the applicant must not commence development prior to us making a decision to grant an exemption. Should development commence prior to us issuing a decision in writing, the exemption will no longer be possible.

A commencement notice is not required for householder residential extensions.

Form 10 - Claiming charitable and/or social housing relief

This form should be submitted if the applicant believes that their development is eligible to claim relief. It should ideally be submitted to us as soon as the qualifying housing scheme. In order to qualify for relief, the applicant must not commence development prior to us making a decision to grant relief. Should development commence prior to us making a decision, relief will no longer be possible.

We will write to confirm whether relief has been granted. There are specific requirements which must be adhered to avoid the relief being withdrawn as a result of a disqualifying event. An example of a disqualifying event for relief would be if the dwelling or building was sold on the open market and no longer used for the purpose for which the relief was granted. For charitable or social housing relief the clawback period is seven years.

Form 12 - Claiming further charitable or social housing relief (when development is altered)

This form should be used by persons seeking to obtain further charitable or social housing relief from the levy when the development previously subject to relief is subsequently amended by a section 73 permission, creating a new levy liability.

Form 13 - Claiming further self-build dwelling, residential annex or residential extension exemption

This form should be used by persons seeking to obtain further exemption from the levy when the development previously granted an exemption is subsequently amended by a section 73 permission, creating a new levy liability.