Land at Monk Lakes Marden
Core documents
The core documents listed on this page will be updated as further appeal documents become available. All application documents can be found under the case file for the original planning application.
All documents
You will be able to find public inquiry documents here as they become available.
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CD1 - planning application documents
Environmental statements
- CD1.1 Environmental Statement (February 2019)
- CD1.2 Environmental Statement Addendum (October 2019)
- CD1.3 Environmental Statement Addendum (February 2022)
- CD1.4 Site Location Plan (PDA-MON-101)
- CD1.5 Finished Floor Level and Flood Compensation Plan (2375/MBCR2/05)
- CD1.6 Existing Ground/Proposed Cross Sections (3 plans)
- CD1.7 Proposed Site Layout Plan (0183-04/02 RevH)
- CD1.8 Proposed Landscaping Plan (0183-04/03 RevD)
- CD1.9 Proposed Clubhouse and Car Park Layout Plan (0183-04/04 RevB)
- CD1.10 Flood Compensation Storage Plan (0183-04/07)
- CD1.11 Vehicular Access Point (0183-04/06 RevA)
Other documents
CD2 - plans submitted under the appeal
- CD2.1 Proposed Landscaping Plan (P20-0831_02 RevA)
- CD2.2 Indicative Landscape Site Sections A-A (P20-0831_01 Sheet 1)
- CD2.3 Indicative Landscape Site Sections B-B (P20-0831_01 Sheet 2)
- CD2.4 Indicative Landscape Site Sections F-F (P20-0831_01 Sheet 3)
- CD2.5 Indicative Landscape Site Sections A-A Inset (P20-0831_01 Sheet 4)
CD3 - application consultee responses, documents, and plans
- CD3.1 Natural England Final Response
- CD3.2 Environment Agency Final Response
- CD3.3 KCC Lead Local Flood Authority Final Response
- CD3.4 KCC Ecology Final Response
- CD3.5 KCC Highways Final Response
- CD3.6 KCC Minerals Final Response
- CD3.7 MBC Environmental Health Final Response
- CD3.8 Conservation Officer Response (December 2016)
- CD3.9 Conservation Officer Response (November 2019)
- CD3.10 Conservation Officer Response (December 2019)
- CD3.11 Reservoir Engineers Email/Agent Email (January 2020)
- CD3.12 Mott MacDonald Groundwater Assessment Advice to the LPA (November 2016)
- CD3.13 Mott MacDonald Hydrogeological Advice to the LPA (July 2019)
- CD3.14 LPA Commissioned Topographical Survey (5881 Sheet 1)
- CD3.15 LPA Commissioned Topographical Survey (5881 Sheet 2)
- CD3.16 LPA Commissioned Topographical Survey (5881 Sheet 3)
- CD3.17 LPA Commissioned Sections Plan (5881 Sheet 4)
- CD3.18 LPA Commissioned Sections Plan (5881 Sheet 5)
- CD3.19 Decision Notice (March 2020)
CD4 - planning policy documents
CD5 - High Court documents
- CD5.1 R v Maidstone Borough Council (2014 High Court Decision)
- CD5.2 R v Maidstone Borough Council Bundle
- CD5.3 Taytime Ltd v SSLHC (2024 High Court Decision)
- CD5.4 Taytime Ltd v SSLHC Bundle
- CD5.6 High Court Witness Statement – Emily Harrison (May 2023)
- CD5.7 High Court 3rd Witness Statement of Emily Harrison (February 2024)
CD6 - submissions relating to validity
- CD6.1 Liquidator’s Original Letter (September 2021)
- CD6.2 Agency Agreement (January 2024)
- CD6.3 Liquidator’s Letter - High Court (January 2024)
- CD6.4 Liquidator’s Response (July 2024)
- CD6.5 Letter to PINs from MLL Director Guy Harrison (September 2024)
- CD6.6 Statutory Declaration MLL Director G Harrison (November 2024)
- CD6.7 Liquidator’s Agency Letter (December 2024)
- CD6.8 Appellant email to Rule 6 Ben Fulbrook with timeline (December 2024)
- CD6.9 Appellant letter to PINS re Rule 6 conduct (January 2025)
- CD6.10 Claimants Supplemental Note (February 2024)
CD7 - other relevant case law
CD8 - appeal documents
- CD8.1 LPA Appeal Statement (March 2021)
- CD8.2 Appellant Statement of Case (September 2020)
- CD8.3 Appellant Addendum to Statement of Case (December 2024)
- CD8.4 Rule 6 Statement of Case (December 2024)
- CD8.5 LPA and Appellant Statement of Common Ground (December 2024)
- CD8.6 Rule 6 Comments on Statement of Common Ground (January 2025)
- CD8.7 Susan King Proof of Evidence
- CD8.8 Janice Gooch Proof of Evidence
- CD8.9 Steven Doel Proof of Evidence
- CD8.10 Andrew Smith Proof of Evidence
- CD8.11 Chris Griffiths Proof of Evidence
- CD8.12 Dr Paul Ellis Proof of Evidence
- CD8.13 Emily Harrison Proof of Evidence
- CD8.14 Emily Harrison Proof of Evidence exceptional circumstances
- CD8.15 Section 106 Agreement (April 2021)
CD9 - other documents
- CD9.1 LPA Committee Report (June 2012)
- CD9.2 LPA Committee Report (January 2020)
- CD9.3 LPA Committee Report (March 2020)
- CD9.4 Quashed Appeal Decision (November 2022)
- CD9.5 Committee Meeting Minutes (23rd January 2020)
- CD9.6 Appellants ‘Enforcement Notice Compliance Assessment’ (January 2025)
- CD9.7 Site LiDAR 2002 2m Model
- CD9.8 EGL-OGL Volume
- CD9.9 2019 Combined Surveys 3D
- CD9.10 KTF Cut and Fill Volume Results 2002-2019 Sections
- CD9.11 Jim Tarzey Email - Hydrogeological Site Model (October 2022)
- CD9.12 Jim Tarzey Final Response Comments Email (October 2022)
- CD9.13 Appellant’s Reservoirs Act Preliminary Certificate (June 2018)
- CD9.14 Appellant’s Reservoirs Act Annex to Preliminary Certificate (June 2018)
- CD9.15 Appellant’s Reservoirs Act Flood Plan (May 2022)
- CD9.16 Appellant’s Reservoirs Act Registration Information
- CD9.17 Appellant’s Reservoirs Act Construction Engineers Report (August 2024)
- CD9.18 Appellant’s Reservoirs Act Final Certificate (September 2024)
- CD9.19 Appellant’s Reservoirs Act Construction Certificate (September 2024)
- CD9.20 Post Previous Hearing Document - Email from Emily Harrison (February 2008)
- CD9.21 Post Previous Hearing Submission – Monk Lakes email to MBC (March 2008)
- CD9.22 Post Previous Hearing Submission – Monk Lakes email to MBC and EA (March 2008)
- CD9.23 Post Previous Hearing Submission - Monks Lakes letter to MBC (April 2008)
- CD9.24 Post Previous Hearing Submission – Monk Lakes letter to MBC (May 2008)
- CD9.25 Post Previous Hearing Document - Monks Lakes letter to MBC (June 2008)
- CD9.26 LPA Decision Notice (6th September 2012)
- CD9.27 Appeal Hearing Agenda (2022)
- CD9.28 Historic England - National Farm Building Types (published in October 2014)
- CD9.29 Adapting Traditional Farm Buildings – Best Practice Guidelines (September 2017)
- CD9.30 Farmstead Assessment Framework
- CD9.31 South East Farmsteads Character Statement - Historic England (2014)
- CD9.32 Historic Farmsteads Preliminary Character Statement: South East Region (2014)
- CD9.33 The Setting of Heritage Assets: Historic England
- CD9.34 Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
- CD9.35 Landscape Character Assessment Guidance for England and Scotland
- CD9.36 Maidstone Landscape Character Assessment March 2012, Amended July 2013
- CD9.37 Maidstone Landscape Capacity Study: Sensitivity Assessment, January 2015
- CD9.38 National Landscape Character Area 121 – Low Weald
- CD9.39 The Landscape Assessment of Kent 2004
- CD9.40 Fabrik Written Representations March 2021
- CD9.41 Report for Planning Hearing: ESI, 2015. Report of Paul Ellis 63346R2
- CD9.42 Statement for Planning Appeal: Geosmart, 2021. Statement of Paul Ellis 70276R3vn2
- CD9.43 Report for Planning Appeal: Geosmart, 2022. Report of Paul Ellis dated 70276R4
- CD9.44 Peter Brett Associates, 2015 Drainage Strategy Report