Vehicle seizure notices

We can seize any vehicle, trailer, or mobile plant if we suspect they are used for waste crime. We do not need a warrant. This is in line with the Control of Pollution Act 1989 and the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

We will seize a vehicle if we think it has been:

  • used at a site that is breaking the rules of an environmental permit
  • used to transfer waste to someone not registered as a waste carrier
  • driven by someone not registered as a waste carrier
  • used to dump waste illegally or fly-tip

What happens when we seize a vehicle

If we seize a vehicle, we must:

  • display a notice at Maidstone House and on this page within one working day, for 15 days
  • store the vehicle and its contents securely until it is returned
  • tell the police and the owner as soon as possible

If the vehicle is a risk to people or the environment, we can dispose of it without the owner's consent.  We may also:

  • sell or destroy the vehicle if it is not claimed, or the claimant is not entitled to it
  • keep the vehicle for investigation
  • prosecute for offences

How to claim a vehicle

To claim, you must be the legal owner. You must also prove your identity and home address by providing:

  • two utility bills that are less than three months old
  • a valid photo driving licence or a passport
  • a current motor insurance certificate
  • the V5C registration document

If you are acting on behalf of another person, you need:

  • written proof of authority, such as a valid power of attorney
  • a valid photo driving licence or a passport
  • the V5C registration document
  • the agent's address

If you are entitled to the vehicle, you will have ten working days to collect it. If you do not collect it, we can sell or destroy it.

Current seizure notices

There are currently no seizure notices.

Current disposal notices

There are currently no disposal notices.