Change your benefits

You must tell us if your circumstances change as it may affect your benefit payments. You need to tell us even if you have already told another organisation, such as Jobcentre Plus.

Changes you need to report

We need to know if you or a member of the household:

  • finds a job, leaves a job, or gets a pay rise
  • has a change to a non-dependant income
  • has a change to their bank or building society capital
  • has an increase or decrease in savings or property
  • stops getting state benefits
  • moves in or out of the house
  • has a change in rent payment
  • gives birth, fosters or adopts a child
  • gets married or divorced
  • has a disability
  • passes away

Wage changes

Send us your payslip if your wages have changed. If you have a new job, you can upload a certificate of earnings instead of a payslip.

Stop your benefits

If you need to stop claiming benefits, you must tell us as soon as possible.

Tell us about another change

Depending on what you need to change, you may need to provide:

  • a National Insurance Number for you and your partner
  • bank statements
  • proof of identification

Make a change to your benefits

What happens next

We will update your application and aim to respond within one week. If more information is needed, we will contact you.