Empress Riverside Park site rules

In these rules:

  • occupier means anyone who occupies a park home, whether under an agreement to which the Mobile Home Act applies or under a tenancy or any other agreement
  • you and your refer to the homeowner or other occupier of a park home
  • we and our refer to the park owner

These rules are in place to ensure acceptable standards are maintained on the park, which will be of general benefit to occupiers, and to promote and maintain community cohesion. They form part of the agreement by which homeowners occupy the pitch in accordance with the Mobile Homes Act 1983, as amended.

These rules were submitted to us on 8 January 2015. They resemble the rules that most residents agreed at that time. They have now been re-typed as a true record the only major addition being the reference to the fire hoses/hydrants.

With reference to animals, requests in writing would be considered if for example an additional dog was wanted. Regarding cats, the statement is taken from the professionals, re the rules, but the management recognize that cats cannot be supervised all the time and that they may venture onto other gardens and litter, but please be aware of this.

Conditions of the pitch

1. For reasons of ventilation and safety, you must keep the underneath of your home clear and not use it as a storage space.

2. You must not erect fences or other means of enclosure unless they are up to one metre in height and no more, and no more than three metres from your home and you have obtained approval (which will not be unreasonably withheld). You must position fences and other means of enclosure to comply with the park's site licence conditions and fire safety requirements.

3. You must not have external fires, including incinerators. Barbeques are permitted.

4. You must not keep inflammable substances on the park except in quantities reasonable for domestic use.

5. You must not keep explosive substances on the park.

6. No children as permanent residents on the park. Grandchildren may visit during a school holiday for a short stay, for example for two weeks. Other necessary stays due to unforeseen circumstances should be pre-arranged with the owner of the park, in writing. No person under the age of 47 years may reside in a park home except for the park owner, the park warden and their families who reside in their home.

7. The owners will accept one-month notice in writing if a resident desires to remove their home from the park.

8. Complaints of any kind must be made in writing and posted into the park office.


9. You must not have more than one storage shed on the pitch. Where you source the shed yourself with design, standard, and size of the shed must be approved by us in writing (approval will not be withheld unreasonably). You must position the shed to comply with the park's site licence and fire safety requirements. The footprint of the shed shall not exceed five feet by five feet.

10. You must not have any storage receptacle on the pitch other than the shed mentioned in rule nine.

11. You must ensure that any structure erected in the separation space between park homes is of non-combustible construction and positioned to comply with the park's site licence conditions and fire safety requirements.


12. You are responsible for the disposal of all household, recyclable and garden waste in approved containers through the local authority service. You must not overfill containers and must place them in the approved position for the local authority collections.

13. You must not deposit any waste or unroadworthy vehicles on any of the park (including any individual pitch).

Business activities

14. You must not use the park home, the pitch or the park (or any part of the park) for any business purpose and you must not use the park home or the pitch for the storage of stock, plant, machinery or equipment used or last used for any business purpose. However, you are at liberty to work individually from home by carry out any office work of any type which does not create a nuisance to other occupiers and does not involve other staff, other workers, customers or members of the public calling at the park home or the park.

Noise nuisance

15. You must not use musical instruments, all forms of recorded music players, radios and other similar appliances and motor vehicles to cause a nuisance to other occupiers, especially between the hours of 11pm and 7am.


16. You must not keep any pets or animals except the following:

  • not more than one medium size dog per home (other than any of the breeds subject to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991). You must keep any dog under proper control, and you must not permit it to frighten other users of the park. You must keep any dog on a leash not exceeding three metres in length and must not allow it to despoil the park.
  • Not more than two domestic cats. You must keep any cat under proper control and must not permit it to frighten other users of the park, or to despoil the park.

17. Nothing in rule 14 of these park rules prevents you from keeping an assistance dog if this is required to support your disability and Assistance Dogs UK or any successor body has issued you with an identification book or other appropriate evidence.


18. Use of garden hoses and sprinklers must be kept in moderation, except in case of fire.

19. You must only use the fire point hoses in case of fire. Since our fire risk assessment carried out in 2018, it has been agreed that fire point hoses/hydrants on the site can be used but at your own risk and in the event of fire, you must call 999 and vacate your property as quickly as possible.

20. You must protect all external water pipes from potential frost damage.


21. The daily availability charge as regulated by the electricity board will be charged for electricity units consumed and charged at cost plus the amount as regulated by the electricity board. Meters will be read periodically and accounts sent out as soon as possible.

Payment must be made within 14 days of the date of invoice. Failure to do so could result in a court summons through the County Court, to recover the amount involved. Should this be necessary and prove successful there would be the extra cost of the County Court proceedings which would be borne by you.

Vacant pitches

22. You must not have access to vacant pitches and must not disturb building materials and plant.

Vehicles and parking

23. You must drive all vehicles on the park carefully (displaying permits at all times) and within the displayed speed limit.

24. You must not park more than two vehicles on the park.

25. No vehicles are allowed to be parked on the roads of the park.

26. Make sure all visitors park on the designated spaces.

27. You must only park on your pitch or a designated car park.

28. No motor homes or caravans are allowed to be parked on the park.

29. You must not park any size van or any other type of commercial vehicle on the park premises, unless it is on specific park business.

30. You must hold a current driving licence and be insured to move a vehicle on park premises. You must also ensure that any vehicle you drive on the park is taxed in accordance with the requirements of law and is in a roadworthy condition.

31. Disused or unroadworthy vehicles must not be kept anywhere on the park. We reserve the right to remove any vehicle which is apparently abandoned.

32. You must not carry out the following works or repairs on the park:

  • major vehicle repairs involving dismantling of part(s) of the engine
  • works which involve the removal of oil and other fuels

Fire precautions

33. You are recommended to have in your park home a fire extinguisher and fire blanket conforming to the relevant British Standard.

34. You must only use the fire point hoses in case of fire. Since our fire risk assessment carried out in 2018 it has been agreed that fire point hoses/hydrants on the site can be used but at your own risk and in the event of fire you must call 999 and vacate your property as quickly as possible.


35. You must not use guns, firearms and offensive weapons (including crossbows) on the park, and you must only keep them if you hold an appropriate licence.

External decorations

36. Homeowners must maintain the outside of their park home in a clean and tidy condition. Where the exterior is repainted or re-covered, homeowners must use reasonable endeavours not to depart from the original exterior colour scheme. Only pastel colours are allowed.