Pilgrims Retreat site rules
Health and safety
1. You must keep your plot, especially the area under your park home clean, tidy and free of any combustible materials.
2. All rubbish must be put in bins or sacks for disposal.
3. No fires may be lit within the park.
4. Fire precautions:
- a fire extinguisher of a type approved by the company must be installed in each park home. Carbon tetrachloride, methyl bromide, and chlorobromomethane can be dangerous in confined spaces and should not be used. A dry powder of at least 216 capacity will be suitable.
- It is expressly forbidden for anyone, including children, to interfere with fire points and appliances which are for use only in an emergency, or to open and operate any electrical housings/equipment.
- Gas cylinders must not be placed inside park homes unless used in a compartment as prescribed in the British Standard Code of Practice CP339 Part 2 (1958).
- In solid fuel stoves, only smokeless fuel should be used, and chimneys must be kept clean.
- Portable oil heaters cause excessive condensation and some fire risk. The use of them is not recommended.
5. The company reserves the right to refuse to supply or permit to be delivered any gas, fuel, oil or power to a resident with a defective installation, until repair work shall have been carried out to the company's satisfaction.
6. Electrical installations in park homes must comply with the requirements of the Institute of Electrical Engineers. Once tested and approved, it may not be modified without notification and further test approval.
7. All residents are required to observe the regulations of the water authority.
Vehicles and garages
8. Vehicles must be parked only where the company directs and must not park on any roadway or cause an obstruction.
9. Permitted vehicles must be taxed, insured and roadworthy. No repairs are permitted on the park.
10. At their discretion, the company may refuse to allow any vehicle to enter the park without giving any reason.
11. All vehicles must adhere to the 10 miles per hour speed limit at all times. It is your responsibility to inform your visitors.
12. Storage sheds, greenhouses and porches have to be of a design and size approved by the company in writing.
13. No addition, extension, or external alteration (including porches) may be made to the park home without the previous written consent of the company.
14. The company encourages well-kept and attractive gardens. The erection or planting of any trees, hedges, shrubs, fences etc, must be authorised by the company.
15. Fences are permitted but are limited to certain specifications and must be authorised in writing by the company.
16. You must not carry on a business on the park.
17. Occupiers are responsible for the conduct of children in their custody and their visitors.
18. Certain pets are permitted on the park under proper control and at the company's discretion. Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times on the park.
19. All plot ground works can only be carried out by Pilgrims Retreat maintenance staff or our designated contractors, all such works requests must be put in writing.