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Decision details

Seven Ages Sculpture Relocation to Cobtree Manor Park

Decision Maker: Cobtree Manor Estate Charity Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the relocation of the Seven Ages sculpture by Will Glanfield from Springfield, Maidstone to the Cobtree Manor Park for display in the grounds.



1.  That agreement be given to the relocation of the Seven Ages sculpture by Will Glanfield to Cobtree Manor Park.

2.  That the area to which it is proposed to relocate the sculpture be agreed.

3.  That agreement be given to expenditure of up to £700 to cover the cost of relocating the sculpture to Cobtree Manor Park.


Reasons for the decision:

Following the relocation of the Kent County Library from Springfield, Maidstone, the Seven Ages sculpture by Will Glanfield, which was installed in 1996, is no longer required on the site.  Photographs of the sculpture in its current location are reproduced as Appendix 1 to the report of the Assistant Director of Regulatory and Environmental Services


Following discussions between Maidstone Borough Council Officers and Kent County Council Officers the sculpture has been offered to the Charity known as the Cobtree Manor Estate to be exhibited in the Manor Park.


The artist Will Glanfield describes the sculpture as follows- “Seven Ages engages with aspects of time: continuity and unity, growth and learning, development and change.  It makes reference to the cycles and seasons of life in the form of seven 'books', each carved to depict a particular stage in the yearly cycle of plants, but also suggesting the stages throughout a lifetime.  Each book can be seen as anthropomorphic, with spines running down their backs, and linked arms or limbs.  The sculpture forms an unbroken ring, with a seat placed between the beginning and end of the continuous cycle, a place to dwell and contemplate.  The sculpture's polygonal design reflects the library's shape.”


Kent County Council has agreed to the relocation of the sculpture as long as the relocation costs are met by the Charity and Mr Glanfield approves the new site and oversees the relocation.


The site to which it is proposed to relocate the sculpture is shown in Appendix 2 to the report.  It is necessary to relocate the sculpture to a flat site which is why the proposed site is suitable.


The cost of removing the sculpture from its current location, preparing the new base in the Manor Park and installing the sculpture is estimated to be £700.


Alternative options considered:

The alternative course of action would be to not approve the relocation of the Seven Ages sculpture.  This is not considered appropriate as the opportunity to acquire a piece of art work such as this does not present itself very often.  The artwork will provide a point of interest in the Manor Park and will also fit in with the forthcoming implementation of the Cobtree Master Plan.


Details of the Committee: None.

Report author: Jason Taylor

Publication date: 11/11/2011

Date of decision: 09/11/2011

Decided: 09/11/2011 - Cobtree Manor Estate Charity Committee

Effective from: 19/11/2011

Accompanying Documents: