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Agenda item

Park and Ride Update

Interviews with:


·  Steve Goulette, Assistant Director Environment and Regulatory Services; and

·  Jeff Kitson, Parking Services Manager.


Jeff Kitson, Parking Services Manager, and Steve Goulette, Assistant Director of Environment and Regulatory Services, gave an update on the Park and Ride figures for 2011/12 (presentation attached).


Councillor Robertson gave the view that town centre parking charges could be adjusted to encourage use of the Park and Ride service, however it was pointed out that Maidstone Borough Council (MBC) does not own all the car parking sites in the town centre and therefore cannot control all charges.  Cllr Robertson felt that the Allington to Willington Street ‘through’ Park and Ride Service was successful, and urged the Committee not to consider including a regular bus service in that Park and Ride service as previously trialled with the No. 71 Arriva bus.  He felt that contact should be made with Kent County Council (KCC) to discuss the Park and Ride service at Sittingbourne Road, which involves a costly rental charge, as he felt that this service is largely used by the KCC as a remote staff car park. Cllr Robertson felt that, if the Sittingbourne Road site was no longer used the usage would be redistributed to the other two sites.  He highlighted that there would be greater use of the Allington Park and Ride if the predicted number of houses are built in that area.  He felt that there was space at Allington and Willington Street to expand in the future.


Councillor Ross gave apologies for his late arrival and said that he felt that there would be problems with gridlock in the town, or people would not travel to the town centre, if the Park and Ride service should be reduced on Saturdays.  Jeff Kitson said that if consideration were to be given to reducing a Saturday service, the reduction would be distributed over the three sites.


Councillor Springett suggested that commuters using the motorway into Maidstone may be encouraged to use the Park and Ride service by the effective alteration of the structure of the town centre car park charges.  Jeff Kitson replied that the structure of charges was being looked at within the Parking Strategy, but to bear in mind that MBC did not own all of the town centre car parks.  Steve Goulette said that it was recognised that there would be 600 more cars travelling to town if one of the Park and Ride sites was closed.


Councillor English felt that the cost and frequency structure of alternative public transport should be considered when setting charges and that, at some point in the future, an alternative to the Sittingbourne Road site should be pursued to reduce the high cost presently incurred there.  Cllr English pointed out that there were some areas within walking distance of the town centre that can be used without parking restrictions.


The Chairman commented that as well as KCC staff parking at the Sittingbourne Road Park and Ride site, perhaps the MBC staff parking arrangements should be looked at.  Steve Goulette commented that there were ‘Travel to Work Plans’ in place for both KCC and MBC, and that the responsibility for congestion ultimately rested with the KCC as the Strategic Transport Authority.  Many other towns in the country have Park and Ride services run by the Strategic Transport Authority and discussions including this matter would be held with KCC.  Jeff Kitson added that Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) were being reviewed and discussed with Arriva.


Members were informed that the existing bus contract would run until 2014.  Steve Goulette and Jeff Kitson were to have a meeting with Arriva on 09 March 2012 to go through the finer details of the contract and ensure development of services moving forward.


Councillor Richard Ash thought that a major problem with Park and Ride sites was location and, on the west side of town, competition with the railway.


Councillor Beerling asked what was happening with the Bluebell Hill site that was bought by MBC.  Steve Goulette replied that the Bluebell Hill site was in a much better location than the present site; however it would be costly to set up.  Analysis would be included in the Parking Strategy (which would be completed end of March) along with a number of other sites.  Cllr Beerling asked to see the result of the analysis as soon as it was available.  Cllr Springett asked if it would be possible to include a bus stop, possibly at the new football stadium, on a Bluebell Hill route.  Steve Goulette replied that this was possible as extra bus stops on Park and Ride routes are worked well in other towns.


The Chairman commented that the JMP (Consultants) report would give facts and figures, including cost benefit analysis, relating to many of the areas touched on; however, he did not think the Park and Ride cost of around half a million pounds could continue.  Cllr Beerling asked for an executive summary of the JMP report which would be presented by Jonathan Morris. Cllr English pointed out the need to obtain an analysis of revenue and wondered whether any comparisons had been made with reducing costs for socially necessary bus routes.  Steve Goulette said that Park and Ride was part of a bigger solution for managing traffic congestion and all options needed to be looked at. 


Resolved: To note the information provided by Jeff Kitson and Steve Goulette and to look forward to a future debate following the detailed JMP report.


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