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Agenda item

Maidstone Borough Local Plan 2011-2031


The Group considered the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment concerning the Maidstone Borough Local Plan 2011-2031.  Specific consideration was given to:-


·  The initial draft results of updated consultants’ reports that identified the Borough’s housing and employment needs, and the setting of a working housing target.


·  The key issues arising from the public consultations in relation to the policies covered by the report, the Officers’ responses to these issues and amended Local Plan policies; the adoption of strategic site allocation policies for development management decisions; and the retention of junction 8 of the M20 motorway as a strategic development location until the work on employment demand and supply is completed.


·  Proposed changes to the affordable housing requirement for new development as a result of viability work and updated targets for Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation as a result of the rolling forward of the Local Plan period.


·  The infrastructure priorities for development, secured through planning conditions and legal agreements.


The Officers circulated an update report setting out proposed changes to the amended Maidstone Borough Local Plan policies set out in Appendix B to the report (copy attached as Appendix A to these Minutes).


The Group gave detailed consideration to the recommendations set out in the report.


With regard to recommendation (ii), and in response to comments by Members, the Head of Planning undertook to make available to the Cabinet the five year housing land supply position for a target of 11,080 dwellings should strategic sites be adopted.


With regard to recommendation (iii), and in response to comments by Members, the Head of Planning circulated a breakdown (by policy) of the number of people who had responded to the public consultations in relation to the policies which were the subject of the report, and undertook to make this information available to the Cabinet together with further details of the representations made.  However, in so doing, the Head of Planning sounded a note of caution as to the weight to be attached to representations where no reasons had been given.  In relation to policy SS1, issue 1 of the consultation statement, and in response to comments by Members, the Head of Planning undertook to amend the statement to make reference to quality of life issues and the impact on the wider community.


With regard to recommendations (iv) and (v), and in response to concerns expressed by Members, the Head of Planning undertook to make available to the Cabinet a more accurate plan showing clearly the areas allocated to medical facilities, retail redevelopment and structural landscaping at Newnham Park (policy SS4).


With regard to policy CS10 (Affordable Housing), the Head of Planning advised the Group that due to viability concerns and administrative issues, he wished to amend his recommendation (vii) to increase the threshold at which affordable housing is required from one unit to ten units.


During the discussion, and in response to questions by Members, the Officers explained the process for identifying the improvements to local transport infrastructure required to support housing and employment growth, and to mitigate existing deficiencies, and outlined potential funding sources, including Section 106 contributions depending on the applications put forward.


The Group also wished to make a recommendation to the Cabinet relating to the proposed deletion from policy CS6 (Sustainable Construction Standards) of the planned step up in requirements to Code for Sustainable Homes Level 5 from 2016.




1.  That approval be given to a working target of 14,800 dwellings for the Maidstone Borough Local Plan period 2011 to 2031 until such time as the work identifying the Borough’s housing land supply and the identification of environmental constraints is completed.


  Note:  The Group noted that it is anticipated that the SHLAA process will reduce this figure.  A “call for sites” exercise was undertaken recently and 160 residential sites have come forward.  Transport modelling work will be carried out in relation to some of these sites.


2.  That the Council be recommended to revoke the moratorium on the release of greenfield housing sites allocated in the Maidstone Borough-Wide Local Plan 2000 because the reasons for the moratorium no longer apply.


  Note:  In making this recommendation, the Group wished to place on record its concern that policy support for regeneration of previously developed sites still requires additional work.


3.  That the key public consultation issues relating to the policies thatare the subject of the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment be noted.


However, since the Group considers that the Officer analysis of the submissions is partial and gives undue weight to developers and statutory consultees over local residents, and cannot agree the recommended changes to the policies set out in the schedule attached as Appendix A to the report at this time because it does not have enough detail to enable it to do so, the Cabinet should review each policy change individually.


As an example,


Policy CS7, Issue 6 of the Consultation Statement - The plan change to increase the walking and cycling target to 22.5% by 2031 is queried as being excessive with significant implications for transport modelling.


4.  That amended policies CS5 to CS13 and SS1, SS1b, SS1c, SS2, SS2a, SS2b, SS2c and SS4 (attached at Appendix B to the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment and as amended by the update report) be approved for publicconsultation at the publication stage of the Local Plan process (Regulation 19) subject to the following:-


Policy SS1c – Off Site – Add new paragraph 11 – Contribute to the enhancement of the natural network between Fullingpits Wood and Oaken Wood/Ditton Common to the west.


Policy SS2c – 40 metre width is queried at this location because structural landscaping is more important than open space.


Policy SS4


1.  Following paragraph 5.12, add:-


Detailed plans for the structural landscape elements of the development, together with a mechanism for the future protection and long term management of the landscape scheme, must accompany any planning application(s) in order to ensure that structural landscape boundaries are not eroded and that the focus on enhancement of biodiversity and local landscape protection is maintained.  Detailed landscape plans must include the location of new wetlands and planting, and show the linkages between structural landscape areas.  The impact of infrastructure, including lighting, drainage and internal roads, on biodiversity and landscape must be addressed through mitigation measures.


  2.  Following policy SS4 (11), add:-


Detailed plans for the structural landscape elements of the development, together with a mechanism for their future protection and management, are to be submitted with any planning application(s).


  3.  Make specific provision for replacement landscaping on the Bearsted Road frontage and enhancement of landscaping on the western boundary of the Newnham Park site to soften the impact of development on the AONB.


  4.  Paragraph 5.16, amend to clarify existing retail site floor space.


  5.  Amend the plan on page 153 of the agenda to show clearly the areas allocated to medical facilities, retail redevelopment and structural landscaping at Newnham Park.


Strategic Site Allocation Policies – Off site infrastructure improvements should not necessarily be restricted to the measures set out in the policies.


Note:  Since Counsel’s opinion in relation to the Bridge Nursery site is awaited, the Group did not wish to make a judgement on the allocation of the site for residential development at this time (policy SS1a).


5.  That strategic site allocation policies SS1, SS1b, SS1c, SS2, SS2a, SS2b, SS2c and SS4 (attached at Appendix B to the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment and as amended by the update report) be adopted for developmentmanagement decisions subject to the further amendments set out in recommendation 4 above.


6.  That until such time as the new Strategic Economic Development Land Availability Assessment is available, land at junction 8 of the M20 motorway should not be retained as a strategic development location for employment (policy SS3).


7.  That notwithstanding recommendation 4 above, the following amendments to policy CS10 (Affordable Housing) be approved:-


A 15% affordable housing provision on previously developed land within the urban area;


A 30% affordable housing provision on greenfield sites in the urban area and at the urban periphery;


A 40% affordable housing provision in the rural area and at rural settlements;


The threshold at which affordable housing is required be increased to ten units; and


The deletion of the reference to Gypsy and Traveller accommodation contribution within this policy.


8.  That to reflect the extension of the new Local Plan period to 2031, the following amended targets for Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople accommodation in policy CS12 be approved:-


Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation – 187 pitches

Travelling Showpeople Accommodation – 11 plots


9.  That subject to “public realm” being ranked higher as number 4, with the re-numbering of the other priorities for residential development, and regard being had to site specific needs, the infrastructure priority list as set out in paragraph 1.12.5 of the report of the Director of Change, Planning and the Environment be approved, and that amended policy CS14, attached at Appendix B to the report, as amended, be approved for public consultation (Regulation 18) in October 2013.


10.  That the Officers be requested to research the evidence base toascertain whether a Code for Sustainable Homes Level 5 can be achieved from 2016.


Supporting documents: