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Agenda item

Maidstone Integrated Transport Strategy

Interviews with Paul Lulham, Kent County Council Highways and Jon Bunney, JMP Transport Consultants.


Rob Jarman, Head of Planning and Development, Michael Murphy, Principal Planning Officer (Spatial Policy) and Jon Bunney of JMP Transport Consultants were invited to introduce item 9:- Draft Maidstone Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS).


Rob Jarman began by introducing the draft ITS. The Committee was informed that a new (higher) housing target had been calculated since the ITS was first drafted. The original housing target was set at 10,080; whereas new modelling had given a number of 19,600. Therefore the draft ITS had to be updated to reflect this new target. However the Committee was warned that even if no housebuilding was to occur over the period the ITS covers, traffic congestion would still increase.


Jon Bunney then informed the Committee that the new draft ITS contains refined vision, refined objectives and a new work programme. It focuses on the following elements:


·  Park and Ride

·  Improving the Gyratory system in the town centre

·  Increasing walking, cycling and car sharing

·  A refreshed town centre parking strategy


The Committee was informed that originally, three combinations of transport measures were considered:


1.  Rail, bus, walking and cycling enhancements.

2.  As option 1, but with radial Park and Ride sites.

3.  As option 1 but with a North and South Park and Ride spine.


Option 1 was selected following public consultation. However, after further analysis it was agreed that Option 1 was not acceptable due to the levels of congestion that would be generated by it. Therefore Option 3 was considered as the next best option; and this was the option proposed in the ITS. Therefore the ITS envisions a North-South Park and Ride spine, with a site close to Junction 7 of the M20 and another site at Linton crossroads at the A229 corridor to the south of the town.


A representative from Coxheath Parish Council raised concerns about the siting of a new Park and Ride site at Linton crossroads. He was concerned that a need for a park and ride site hadn’t been established and he was also concerned about its financial viability.


Rob Jarman responded with the following points:

·  That extensive modelling work carried out by Kent County Council and Maidstone Borough Council suggests a North-South spine park and ride service was the most viable option

·  Financial considerations/viability depends on commitments by Kent County Council and Maidstone Borough Council. It would also be important to bid for money from the Local Enterprise Partnership, which is only possible if there is an ITS



The Committee requested that the Part II cost benefit analysis on the new Park and Ride be circulated to the Committee for information.


A Member was concerned that even though the details around Park and Ride sites were agreed last August (including a possible site at Linton crossroads); Linton, Coxheath and Loose Parish Councils were not consulted about it. The Member was concerned that officers were not following the parish charter.


The Committee highlighted that there was a possible wording error in paragraph 1.3.16 (page 30) of the report. The report stated:


‘A refreshed town centre parking strategy, which will look to increase long-stay car parking charges and reduce car parking supply to promote the use of park and ride, and a reduction in short-stay car parking to prioritise shoppers and visitors.’


When it should have stated:


‘A refreshed town centre parking strategy, which will look to increase long-stay car parking charges and reduce long stay car parking supply to promote the use of park and ride, and a reduction in short-stay car parking charges to prioritise shoppers and visitors.’


The Committee considered and agreed the officer’s recommendations on page 26 of the agenda.




a)  That the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny recommends that Cabinet approves the refined vision and objectives for the ITS

b)  That the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommends  that Cabinet approves the work programme for developing for the ITS in to a full draft document

c)  That on this occasion Linton, Loose and Coxheath Parish Council be given advance notice of the ITS draft consultation subject to approval by Cabinet

d)  That the Part II cost benefit analysis on the Park and Ride be circulated to the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee for information; and

e)  That the wording of the final bullet in paragraph 1.3.16 of the report (page 30 of the agenda) be amended to read: ‘a refreshed town centre parking strategy, which will look  to increase long-stay car parking charges and reduce long-stay parking supply to promote the use of park and ride, and a reduction in short-stay car parking charges to prioritise shoppers and visitors


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