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Agenda item

Draft Report of the review of Transport in Maidstone - alternatives to using a car

Draft report of the Working Group presenting the findings from the Walking and Cycling and Bus Services sections of the Committees review into Transport in Maidstone – alternatives to using a car.



Councillor Springett presented the draft report of the review of Transport in Maidstone – alternatives to using a car.


During discussion the committee agreed the following:


·  That further work needed to be carried out to consult with car users on how to reduce congestion in the town.


·  It was agreed that any work carried out to ease congestion in Maidstone town should fulfil the council’s duties under The Equalities Act (2010) and must include an Equality Impact Assessment.


·  It was agreed that the information to parish councils regarding their powers and opportunities to assist them in the provision of transport services should be included in the revised Parish Charter.


·  The committee discussed the use of Maidstone East railway station car park and whether all users were rail service users or whether they were shoppers or people working in the town.


·  The following changes/checks to the draft report were discussed:


a.  A recommendation be included in the report that a sub group be formed focussing on future modes of transport that would ease congestion in Maidstone, eg trams, river transport and monorail.


b.  Recommendation ‘A’ in the report should include the maintenance of existing pedestrian and cycle routes at the gyratory system in the town as well as the creation of new routes for pedestrians and cyclist heading in and out of the town from west Maidstone using the A20 and A26.


c.  The data on paragraph 6.6 be checked regarding the number of cycle journeys to work in Maidstone.


d.  Recommendation B should included details of the radial route mentioned in paragraph 6.7.5.


e.  Recommendation C to include the following words at the end “to include details of proposed cycle routes.”


f.  A further recommendation be included after recommendation C to read:


“That the Head of Planning and Development, where possible, source Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy contributions from developers to enhance cycle facilities within the borough with a long term view of linking these routes.”


g.  In paragraph 6.9.2 the cycle parking should be identified.


h.  The information regarding bus services in paragraph 7.1 should be checked for accuracy and quoted in just numbers not percentages.


·  It was agreed that the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the committee should meet with the relevant officers regarding the possible inclusion of a review of the Park and Ride service and report back to the committee at their meeting of 16 December 2014.




1.  The draft report of the review of Transport in Maidstone – alternatives to using a car be noted;


2.   The following amendments be made to the draft report:


a.  That the Overview and Scrutiny Officer be asked to make the following changes and checks to the draft report on the review of Transport in Maidstone – alternatives to using a car:


b.  That a recommendation be included in the report that a sub group be formed focussing on future modes of transport that would ease congestion in Maidstone, e.g. trams, river transport and monorail.


c.  That recommendation ‘A’ in the report to include the maintenance of existing pedestrian and cycle routes at the gyratory system in the town as well as the creation of new routes for pedestrians and cyclist heading in and out of the town from west Maidstone using the A20 and A26.


d.  That the data on paragraph 6.6 be checked regarding the number of cycle journeys to work in Maidstone.


e.  That recommendation B to include details of the radial route mentioned in paragraph 6.7.5.


f.  That recommendation C to include the following words at the end “to include details of proposed cycle routes.”


g.  That a further recommendation be included after recommendation C to read:


“That the Head of Planning and Development, where possible, source Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy contributions from developers to enhance cycle facilities within the borough with a long term view of linking these routes.”


h.  That in paragraph 6.9.2 the cycle parking to be identified.


i.  That the information regarding bus services in paragraph 7.1 be checked for accuracy and quoted in just numbers not percentages.


3.  The following additional recommendations to be included in the final report:


a.  That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be recommended to carry out consultation with car users to establish why they drive into Maidstone town and what would encourage them to use an alternative mode of transport to get into the town.


b.  That the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Development be recommended to survey the users of Maidstone East railway station car park to find out their reason for using it to establish how many users were rail passengers and how many were not.


c.  That the Cabinet Member for Community and Leisure Services be recommended, as part of the Parish Charter, to include a section on the powers and opportunities parish councils have in the provision of transport services and capital equipment, such as bus shelters and real time transport information, and funding streams available to them.


d.  That the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Planning, Transport and Development Overview and Scrutiny Committee meet with the relevant officers regarding the possible inclusion of a review of the Park and Ride service and report back to the committee at their meeting of 16 December 2014.



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