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Agenda item

Maidstone Transport Strategy Options


Tim Read, the KCC Head of Transportation, presented a report clarifying KCC’s position on progress towards an Integrated Transport Strategy to support whatever housing and employment growth is promoted in MBC’s Local Plan.  He explained that this was very much a work in progress and any options chosen would be tested through the use of the Maidstone transport model.  The schedule of schemes which had been drawn up was not exclusive, and the impact of alternative proposals could be tested.


During the discussion reference was made to the following:


·  The need for consideration to be given to the potential for a Leeds/Langley bypass or a new link road to join the A20/A274;


·  The need for a definitive statement from KCC as local Highway Authority clarifying its position regarding the widening of the A274 Sutton Road for a bus lane;


·  There was uncertainty about what the proposed widening of Sittingbourne Road would achieve;


·  Park and Ride should be included in the model together with consideration of public transport and walking and cycling initiatives;


·  Consideration should be given to the possibility of additional development coming forward along the A20 corridor through work on the T&M Local Plan and the need for a co-ordinated approach to infrastructure improvements;


·  The need for consideration to be given to the impact of town centre traffic on rural areas;


·  The need to be ambitious and imaginative in the development of transport schemes to support growth; and


·  The  scheme to support potentially 1,000 homes in a designated AONB, the lack of mention of sites included in the Local Plan, the inclusion of sites which are not in the Local Plan, and schemes which have already been agreed, but not commenced.


Rob Jarman, the MBC Head of Planning and Development, advised the Board that Maidstone BC had not been involved in the production of the report.  He said that it was a core principle of the NPPF that the Local Planning Authority wouldactively manage patterns of growth to make the fullest possible use of public transport, walking and cycling, and focussignificant development in locations which are or can be made sustainable.  It would be necessary to demonstrate that this had been considered.  There was uncertainty as to what transport modelling work had been undertaken and more information was required regarding the proposed schemes.


The Board considered the proposal that a Working Group be formed comprising representatives of KCC and MBC to discuss these and other emerging schemes.




1.  That the Joint Transportation Board should meet as a Working Group to discuss the development of transport schemes to support the housing and employment growth promoted in the Local Plan, with invitations extended to other interested parties as appropriate.


2.  That the timeline for the meetings of the Working Group should be aligned with and support the timetable for the preparation of the Local Plan and funding deadlines for schemes.


3.  That the first meeting of the Working Group be scheduled to take place before the next meeting of the Joint Transportation Board on 15 October 2014.


Supporting documents: