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Agenda item

Report of the KCC Head of Transportation - Highway Works Programme 2014/15


Mr Emmett, the KCC Manager (Maidstone) for Highways and Transportation, presented the Highways Works Programme 2014/15 which updated Members on the progress of Footway and Carriageway Improvement Schemes, Street Lighting, Traffic Systems, Bridge Works and Drainage Repairs and Improvements.


It was noted that some of the information referred to schemes completed in 2013. This was clarified as an admin error.


The following matters were discussed:


·  There had been an increase in burglary committed during the daytime hours, which a Member enquired whether this could be put down to street lighting switching on later in the evening during the winter months. Structural testing of street lights also removed some from operation.


·  Members noted the cost efficiency of using LED lights in street lighting and asked if the intention was for all units in need of repairs to receive these automatically, and whether this would allow lighting at night time hours in the future. Mr Emmett advised that although the LED lights once in place were cost efficient, the purchase and implementation of LED lighting incurred a cost, and that a bid put forward to central Government for funding to replace all units with LED was yet to receive a decision.


·  It was raised that when members of the Public reported a faulty street light, they were requested to provide exact details of the location which they may be unable to provide. Mr Emmett said that clarification on the procedure and the necessity of location details would be provided to the next meeting of the Board.


·  The footpath from Tudor Park to junction 8 would be complete by the end of the financial year.


·  The re-camber and site of gully work on the area of flood caused by surface run off at Loose Road and Wheatsheaf Close had been handed over to Amey to be carried out but the start date for this work was yet to be confirmed.


·  The notices of parking restrictions posted on lamposts on Maxwell Drive in Allington prevent verge parking. However there had since been replacement of lamp columns and the notices had not been reattached, causing confusion as to the status of enforcement of the restrictions.  Mr Emmett reassured Members that these would be replaced.





1.  That the report be noted.


2.  That a report on street lighting be produced by the KCC relevant officer for the April meeting of the Board containing:


a.  An update on the schedule for structural testing;


b.  Clarification on the bid to central Government for funding to replace the current lighting with LED; and


c.  The relevance of clarifying the exact positioning of reported lights by members of the public.


3.  That an update on the date of the re-camber and site of gully work to be undertaken by Amey on the area of surface run off at Loose Road and Wheatsheaf Road be provided to the Board when confirmed.


4.  That for clarity an additional column be added to future Highways Works Programme reports to define the programmed and completed dates for works to be undertaken.





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