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Agenda item



All Members stated that they had been lobbied.


The Committee considered the report and the urgent update report of the Head of Planning and Development.


Mrs Hunt, an objector, Councillor Armstrong of Sutton Valence Parish Council (against) and Mr Norton, for the applicant, addressed the meeting.




1.  That subject to the prior completion of a S106 legal agreement, in such terms as the Head of Legal Partnership may advise, to secure the following:


·  The provision of 40% affordable residential units equating to 16 dwelling houses within the application site;


·  The delivery of one wheelchair accessible home within the affordable housing on this site;


·  A contribution for Kent County Council of £2,360.96 per applicable house (x39 = £92,077.44) towards the enhancement of teaching space at Sutton Valence Primary School;


·  A contribution for Kent County Council of £2,359.80 per applicable house (x39 = £92,032.20) towards the enhancement of teaching space at Cornwallis School);


·  A contribution for Kent County Council of£1,872.62 to be used to address the demand from the development towards book stock (to be supplied to the Mobile Library Service covering Sutton Valence);


·  A contribution for Kent County Council of £331.11 to be used to address the demand from the development towards youth equipment (to be supplied centrally to Infozone Youth Hub for use through local services);


·  A contribution for Maidstone Borough Council Parks and Leisure Department of £1,575 per applicable house (x39 = £61,425) to provide enhanced play and open space at The Harbour and Harbour Field;


·  A contribution for NHS Property Services of £23,976 for improvements at Sutton Valence Surgery and Cobtree Medical Practice; and


·  Details of a long term management plan for strategic landscaping areas and the stream within the site, which shall include details of the following: responsibility for on-going long term management; financial contributions towards implementation/installation and long term maintenance (including the duration of the contribution),


the Head of Planning and Development be given delegated powers to grant permission subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report, as amended by the urgent update report, and the additional conditions set out in the urgent update report with the amendment of condition 13 and an additional condition and informative as follows:


Condition 13 (amended)


No development shall take place until details of a scheme for a wildlife corridor along the length of the stream and details of stream protection during construction have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The approved scheme together with the ecological enhancements measures set out at paragraphs 4.8 of the applicants Ecological Survey (dated 19 July 2014) shall be implemented in full prior to the completion of the development and evidence to that effect shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  In the interests of biodiversity and ecology of the area.


Additional Condition


No development shall take place until details in the form of large scale drawings (at a scale of 1:20 or 1:50) of the following matters have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority:


Details of the roof overhangs and eaves, which shall include exposed rafter feet and soffits (which shall be constructed of timber); and

Details of windows and doors (which shall be constructed of timber) and recesses/reveals (which shall be a minimum of 70mm); and

Details of the junction of the timber boarding and the brickwork; and

Details of decorative brick work including arches to fenestration, string courses and plinths.


The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved details and maintained thereafter;


Reason:  To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development and a high quality of design.


Additional Informative


During the construction and fitting out of the development hereby permitted, there shall be no burning of waste material on the site.


2.  That the Landscape Officer be requested to consider the potential for making a Tree Preservation Order to protect the Oak trees located on the site.


Voting:  7 – For  1 – Against  4 - Abstentions


Supporting documents: