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Agenda item

Report of the Head of Planning and Development Integrated Transport Strategy Progress


Issue for Decision


The Committee considered the report outlining the progress of the Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS) which provided further information to Members on the progress towards a completed draft ITS made since the meetings of the Committee held on 1 and 14 December 2015.


Decision made


That the Committee:


1.  Agrees the Walking and Cycling Strategy for consultation;


2.  Agrees the measures outlined in the draft ITS dated 13 January 2016 relating to parking;


3.  Agrees the measure outline in the draft ITS dated 13 January 2016 relating to Ultra-low/zero emission vehicles;


4.  Agrees the revised draft ITS for consultation;


5.  Supports the continuation of work by Maidstone Borough Council and Kent County Council officers following consultation and further cooperation.



The Committee considered the report outlining the progress of the Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS) which provided further information to Members on the progress towards a completed draft ITS made since the meetings of the Committee held on 1 and 14 December 2015.


Councillors Chittenden and Ring addressed the meeting as visiting members.


The Committee was informed that the document was still in draft form and was a strategic document, and as such did not contain the detail, only the need and intention.  The detail would be dealt with through the planning process using Section 106 agreements etc.  The ITS and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan provided supporting evidence for the Local Plan.


The Committee was informed that reference to Cranbourne Avenue would still be made in the ITS (despite the Committee agreeing its closure being removed from the ITS at the last meeting of the Committee) because it was an area that needed improving.


The Committee heard that there was still reference to Park and Ride in the document as the borough still had services running from Willington Street and London Road with the intention these services would prosper.


The Committee was advised to respond to the consultation on the ITS and feed in suggestions such as links with the Medway Valley Community Partnership.




That the Committee:


1.  Agrees the Walking and Cycling Strategy for consultation;


Voting:  For – 9  Against – 0  Abstentions - 0


2.  Agrees the measures outlined in the draft ITS dated 13 January 2016 relating to parking;


Voting:  For – 9  Against – 0  Abstentions - 0


3.  Agrees the measure outline in the draft ITS dated 13 January 2016 relating to Ultra-low/zero emission vehicles;


Voting:  For – 9  Against – 0  Abstentions - 0


4.  Agrees the revised draft ITS for consultation;


Voting:  For – 9  Against – 0  Abstentions - 0


5.  Supports the continuation of work by Maidstone Borough Council and Kent County Council officers following consultation and further cooperation.


Voting:  For – 9  Against – 0  Abstentions – 0


Supporting documents: