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Agenda item

Joint Report of the Head of Finance and Resources and the Head of Planning and Development - Planning Committee Member and Substitute Member Training


The Head of Finance and Resources introduced this joint report referring also to the urgent update circulated at the meeting setting out a revised recommendation and revised training programme designed to assist Members in meeting the requirements of the Constitution in terms of training and on-going professional development.  The Head of Finance and Resources explained that the revisions had been made in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee and the Development Management team in order to clarify precisely which Members the proposed training sessions were aimed at and to reflect the Committee’s anticipated work programme.


In response to questions by Members, the Officers explained that:


Due to ongoing work commitments and resource implications, the Development Management team was unable to offer one to one training for Members unable to attend a particular training session, although the induction training would be repeated and other sessions could be repeated if there was sufficient demand.


When the new webcasting system was installed, it might be possible to record training sessions for viewing on the Council’s website, but the sessions were meant to be interactive.  The presentations were usually emailed to Members after the training sessions, but could be emailed in advance to enable the facilitators to concentrate on Members’ questions.


During the discussion, concern was expressed that the date of training deemed to be essential, and included in Members’ diaries, had been rescheduled and that a session which could have counted towards Members’ minimum level of training had now been excluded.  It was also suggested that the Democracy Committee be asked to recommend to the Council that the Constitution be amended to make it a requirement that Members and Substitute Members of the Planning Referrals Committee undergo training on the policies, procedures, legislation and guidance relevant to the work of the Planning Committee.


Members indicated that they wished to proceed on the basis recommended in the original report to the Committee.




1.  That the following training and development should be completed by Planning Committee Members and Substitute Members by December of each year as a minimum requirement:


All newly elected Members, new to the Planning Committee as Members or Substitute Members, to attend:


·  The induction training; and

·  The Planning training session on delegated powers and use of conditions, reasons for refusal and Section 106 agreements on 25 July 2016; and

·  One other Planning training session set out in the table at paragraph 3.4 of the joint report of the Head of Finance and Resources and the Head of Planning and Development.


Long serving Planning Committee Members and Substitute Members to attend:


·  The Planning training session on delegated powers and use of conditions, reasons for refusal and Section 106 agreements on 25 July 2016; and

·  One other Planning training session set out in the table at paragraph 3.4 of the joint report of the Head of Finance and Resources and the Head of Planning and Development.


2.  That all Planning Committee Members and Substitute Members should attend all of the professional development sessions agreed between the Head of Planning and Development, acting under powers delegated by the Planning Committee, and the Political Group Spokespersons.


3.  That all Members newly elected to the Council should attend the Planning induction training.


4.  To RECOMMEND to the DEMOCRACY COMMITTEE:  That the Council be recommended to agree that the Constitution be amended to make it a requirement that Members and Substitute Members of the Planning Referrals Committee undergo training on the policies, procedures, legislation and guidance relevant to the work of the Planning Committee.


Voting:  9 – For  2 – Against  0 – Abstentions


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