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Agenda item

Task & Finish Group Reports

Governance (Oral Update)


WK HWB Annual Report – Report to follow


Self-Care, Self – Management (Oral Update)


Self-Care, Self- Management


Tony Jones reported that the group had now held a first meeting with participants drawn from a range of agencies and also including service user representatives. The following was agreed at the first meeting:


·  Terms of Reference

·  Chair and Vice – Chair arrangements

·  Core principles/values and ways of working

·  Priorities for action and lead officers



The HWB Partnerships Officer reported that the Group had not yet completed the task set by the HWB in response to the Kent HWB report on relationships, functioning and leadership, though all the issues highlighted by the Kent HWB had been reviewed in the drafting of the Annual Report before the WK HWB.


WK HWB Annual Report


Bob Bowes introduced the report and acknowledged that it offered the Board important opportunities to:


·  place a sharper focus on the work it had carried out

·  assess achievements

·  refresh its ‘direction of travel’ within the context of the emerging new agenda

·  consider the experience of the Task & Finish Groups

·  evaluate the extent to which the HWB had been able to influence/drive forward the integration agenda

·  review whether the HWB had influenced strategic commissioning


Bob Bowes invited Cllr Gough’s comments as the Chair of the parent Committee to this Board. Cllr Gough expressed the view that the local HWBs were asked to conduct two differing types of business, within an environment in Kent, very different to many other places. Cllr Gough acknowledged the presence of social care at Board meetings had been patchy; discussions around commissioning and the drive towards integration had been limited. However, the role of the district/borough councils was central to the HWB making progress towards a prevention focus and the need for effective relationships between the CCG and councils at a local level was paramount in addressing inequalities and wider determinants. This aspect of the local HWBs work was felt to be what required strengthening as alluded to in the report. 


Cllr Gough outlined his position in relation to implementing the Five Year Forward View developed, which was that as new models of care developed including stronger association between commissioners and providers, the rationale for and nature of HWBs as initially established must necessarily change.


Bob Bowes reported that as chair, he felt there needed to be a stronger focus on looking at how to make the HWB more effective by focusing on the population outcomes; how to ensure populations are better served in relation to addressing wider determinants as a result of improved strategic and operational efforts between the CCGs, councils and others. 


Cllr Weatherly felt that the HWB had worked very hard, but had not achieved much that affected residents in obvious ways. Pat Graham commented that there was a need to identify common concerns and to understand the needs of different agencies.


The HWB Partnerships Officer drew members’ attention to the recommendations set out within the boxes in the Annual Report and emphasised the importance of the Board being able to measure its success, track the work carried out and identified as important and link this to improved outcomes .


It was resolved:


The Chair and HWB Partnerships Officer to meet and review the recommendations and proposed work plan in detail and bring key issues back to an all Board member facilitated away-day’ event on 16 September for agreement on the way forward. ACTION: BB/YW


To consider ways of strengthening CCG engagement with local councils:

·  Discuss with CCG lead officers what potential opportunities exist to progress CCG business priorities  by working more collaboratively with district and borough councils

·  Invite district and borough council officers to participate in the CCG ‘Town Hall’ where the whole CCG staff come together to consider organisation-wide development. ACTION: BB/YW/HB/JH/MR/MV


That the Board give consideration to identifying a limited number of strategic priorities to which it can apply a stronger focus with the intention of making a measurable difference. ACTION: WK HWB Event 16 September 2016