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Agenda item

Questions/Statements by members of the public


Mrs Jo Campbell addressed the Board concerning Item 8 – Clapper Farm Lane.  Mrs Campbell was speaking on behalf of her husband and her neighbour at Overbridge Farm.  Mrs Campbell mentioned that when she bought her property the searches undertaken by their solicitor identified only 2 public footpaths.  The tarmac section of the track was unnamed and no other public rights of way were notified.  Mrs Campbell said that they are opposed to it becoming a highway.  Mrs Campbell said that it was felt that it would compromise road safety at the Staplehurst end of the track and provide a haven for fly tipping.  Mrs Campbell mentioned that she was concerned about the way Marden Parish Council had handled this situation.  She had tried to obtain copies of the minutes of the meeting but was told they were confidential, but not why.  Mrs Campbell was not consulted in April and they believe it is an inappropriate use of tax payers money.


Mr Paul Linaker addressed the Board concerning Item 8 – Clapper Farm Lane.  Mr Linaker informed the Board that he was present at the meeting on 15 April 2009 when the Board approved the proposed report.  The Traffic Regulation Order and the briefing of residents unfortunately did not take place and now there is confusion as to whether it is a highway or not.  Mr Linaker suggested that Kent Highways officers meet with local people who have a very good knowledge of the local area and footpaths.  Mr Linaker stated that he has lived at his home for 22 years and he does not recognise the risks mentioned by Mrs Campbell.


Mr Stuart Jeffery addressed the Board concerning Item 11 – Update on Petitions.  Mr Jeffery referred to the Fant Traffic petition that was presented in January.  At the meeting in April, £85,000 for the new scheme was clearly shown to be allocated which broadly addressed all the points raised in the petition.  However, Mr Jeffery felt that there had been a u-turn by Kent Highway Services, in that it has now come to light that the scheme only covers Gatland Lane and Fant Lane.  Mr Jeffery would like to know why and feels an explanation is deserved by those residents of Fant who signed the petition.


Mr Peter Houston addressed the Board concerning Item 8 – Clapper Farm Lane.  Mr Houston said that he had lived in the same house for 31 years.  His address is Springfield Cottage, Battle Lane.  If this is meant to be Clapper Farm Lane, then why is that not his address?  Mr Campbell has experience various thefts over the years and has a constant flow of undesirables checking out the area to see what they can steal.  Mr Houston believes the lane would become a haven for fly-tipping, quad bikes etc.  Mr Houston stated that the mound of earth blocking the use of the track was left there following the bridge works.  The track is not usable in the winter as there is a quagmire. 


Mrs Geraldine Brown, Chairman of Yalding Parish Council, addressed the Board concerning Item 11 – Update on Petitions.  Mr Brown mentioned that Yalding Parish Council have for 10 years been trying to get a width restriction around the village with regard to HGVs.  She was very disappointed that the Cabinet Member for Highways has once again turned down our request for the surveys.  Mrs Brown stated that the bridges are constantly being damaged and that residents are frightened to use the bridge on foot.  Mrs Brown asked the Board for their support in trying to put forward a scheme to safeguard our villages.


Mrs Gillian Tatnell addressed the Board concerning Item 11 – Update on Petitions.  Mrs Tatnell had sent a petition with 212 signatures to Kent Highway Services requesting a reduction in the speed limit to 40 mph along Walderslade Woods Road.  Mrs Tatnell stated that the pavement along that road is constantly used by children and joggers.  The current speed limit is 60 mph which is too high for a road surrounded by houses.  Mrs Tatnell asked the Board for their support in this matter.