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Agenda item

Cabinet Member for Community Services: Plans and Priorities for 2009/10.

Interview with:


·  Cabinet Member for Community Services, Councillor Marion Ring;

·  Community Development and Social Inclusion Manager, Ian Park;

·  Sports, Play and Youth Development Manager, Jacqueline Bobb; and

·  Community Safety Co-ordinator, David Hewetson.


The Chairman welcomed the Cabinet Member for Community Services, Councillor Marion Ring, the Community Development and Social Inclusion Manager, Ian Park, and the Community Safety Co-ordinator, David Hewetson, to the meeting.  The Chairman informed Members that further to Mr Hewetson’s attendance at an earlier meeting, crime statistics that had been requested had now been received and would be included on the next meeting agenda.


Councillor Mrs Ring referred Members to her action plan for 2009-10 (attached at Appendix A) and highlighted that for all actions, she needed to work with partners.  It was vital that the right partners were in place and were prepared to deliver on key actions.


In response to a question, Mr Hewetson explained that the community safety booklet that had been distributed to 40,000 households in the Borough had no cost to the Council.  The Kent Police Authority had covered most of the cost, with advertising revenue making up the shortfall.  The booklet had only gone to 40,000 households as it was part of a free publication.  Copies had also been given to public bodies and parish councils.


With regard to Borough Grants, following a best value review these had to help the Council to meet its strategic priorities.  All applications were scored on this basis.  The budget for these had been cut this year.  For those applicants who had been unsuccessful in obtaining a grant from the Council, an officer was meeting them individually to assist them to apply for alternative funding.  There would not be money available for parishes to bid for projects this year.


A Councillor asked what progress had been made on cold-calling zones.  Mr Hewetson explained that cold-calling zones were a preventative measure, with posters being put up informing cold-callers that it was a “no cold-calling” zone.  Police, councillors and Neighbourhood Watch were aware of this, so if a cold-caller was reported, it could be dealt with more effectively.  Two cold-calling zones were in place in the Borough and were proving to be worthwhile.  The project was being led by the Neighbourhood Watch Officer at Mid-Kent Police.


It was highlighted by a Committee Member that youth services were delivered in conjunction with KCC, however KCC’s spend on youth services was quite low.  The Cabinet Member was asked whether enough support was received from KCC.  Councillor Mrs Ring stated that KCC had not been as forthcoming with funding as she would like, so she was working hard to ensure that they played a big enough role.  She requested that Kent County Councillors kept encouraging KCC to make an appropriate contribution.  Members agreed that a written report on KCC’s involvement in and contribution to the Council’s youth services should be received in 3 months.


Other issues discussed included:


·  Last month had seen a 9.8% decrease in crime compared to an overall drop of 7.8% last year, though there were seasonal increases in violent crime and issues with double counting of some crimes;

·  The transfer of the CCTV control room was due to take place in January 2010, and it was likely that this would be in conjunction with the establishment of the multi-agency Community Safety Unit;

·  The Youth Café project had been taken over by a Trust and the Café was expected to open by November 2009;

·  The Council was monitoring the situation regarding the swine flu pandemic and would put actions in place and work with partners as appropriate to deal with this;

·  Older person’s exercise areas in parks were considered a good idea and Age Concern was believed to have funding for equipment for these;

·  The Cabinet Member was involved with the YMCA play area scheme in Coombe Farm, though it was noted this was for Coombe Farm only and not the rest of Tovil; and

·  Approximately the same number of places were available on Hotfoot play schemes this year as last year.


Finally, the Chairman requested an update on the Committee’s 2008-09 report, “Diverse Communities: Community Cohesion and the Integration of Ethnic Minorities in the Borough”.  Mr Park explained that the actions outlined in the response to the report were being worked on.  It was hoped that the Mela would take place over more than one day this year, and the St George’s Day parade had been successful.  The LSP had agreed to approach the Maidstone Cultural Group or the Mela Steering Group to improve ethnic minority representation on the LSP.  A report would go to the LSP Board shortly to try to encourage community cohesion to be dealt with within all LSP sub-groups to ensure an integrated approach.  The Committee requested an update on progress in 3 months.


Resolved:  That


a)  A written report on Kent County Council’s involvement in and contribution to the Council’s youth services be received in 3 months; and

b)  A written report on progress on the “Diverse Communities: Community Cohesion and the Integration of Ethnic Minorities in the Borough” report be received in 3 months.



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