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Agenda item

Audit Commission Presentation on the Council's Use of Resources Assessment 2008/09


The representatives of the Audit Commission gave a short presentation on the Council’s Use of Resources Assessment for 2008/09.  It was noted that:-


·  A new approach had been adopted for 2008/09 which measured how well organisations were managing their resources to deliver value for money and sustainable outcomes for local people; had a greater focus on value for money achievements, outputs and outcomes rather than on processes; and contributed to the Audit Commission’s organisational assessment, alongside its work on managing performance.


·  The Audit Commission’s overall assessment was that the Council had strong arrangements in place to manage its finances, govern the business and manage other resources.  There was a clear link between corporate objectives, medium term financial planning and service delivery and a very good governance and decision making process.  Performance management was well established and service planning was robust.  The Council was leading in Kent on several benchmarking and business transformation initiatives.  The success of these would be critical in enabling the Council to sustain a secure financial position and continue to deliver against stretching efficiency targets.


·  The national quality assurance process had been completed and overall the Council had achieved a score of Level 3 (Performs consistently well - delivers strong outcomes for local people).


Members and Officers were disappointed and concerned that the Council had not scored a 4 in respect of any of the eight key lines of enquiry.  The representatives of the Audit Commission explained that there had been extensive consultation on the new scoring system; it was much harder to achieve a score of 4 and the fact that Maidstone had scored a 3 did not mean that there had been a deterioration in the service provided.  Claire Bryce-Smith, the Audit Commission’s lead on Comprehensive Area Assessment, would attend the next meeting to explain the new marking arrangements.


A Member referred to the costs associated with the preparation of the Council’s submission, including the case studies.  The Officers explained that the evidence had been submitted at each stage of the process and the majority of the data would have been produced in any event for performance management purposes.


The representatives of the Audit Commission then drew the Committee’s attention to the results of the assessment in respect of each key line of enquiry, including the strengths identified and the issues for the Council to consider, and to the issues to be focused on in the 2009/10 assessment.


The Committee asked a number of questions of the Officers and the representatives of the Audit Commission relating to, inter alia, the staffing implications of the more challenging reporting requirements of IFRS; spot checking; developing the governance role of the Audit Committee; equality impact assessments; and the suggested new line of enquiry for the 2009/10 assessment (natural resources - reducing the Council’s carbon footprint and encouraging a reduction in CO2 emissions in the Borough).


The Officers expressed the view that there were at least two areas where the Council might have expected to achieve a score of 4 (partnership working and workforce planning and capacity).


RESOLVED:  That the presentation and the results of the Use of Resources Assessment 2008/09 be noted.