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Agenda item

MA/09/0862 - Outline planning application for the erection of residential development comprising of 100 flats and 14 houses with all matters reserved for future consideration - KCC Springfield Library Site, Sandling Road, Maidstone


The Committee considered the report and the urgent update report of the Development Control Manager.


Mr Kitchingham, an objector, Ms Gamble of the Springfield Quays Residents’ Association (against) and Mr Buckwell, for the applicant, addressed the meeting.  Councillor Chittenden had already addressed the meeting on linked application MA/09/0863.


RESOLVED:  That subject to the prior completion of a legal agreement, in such terms as the Head of Legal Services may advise, to secure:-


(i)  A contribution of £179,550 towards the improvement of existing open space or the creation of new facilities within a one mile radius of the application site.


(ii)  (a)  A contribution of £227 per residential unit towards library provision;


  (b)  A contribution of £180 per residential unit towards adult education;


  (c)  A contribution of £827 per applicable house and £206.75 per applicable flat towards youth and community facilities within the Borough; and


  (d)  A contribution of £1,201 per residential unit towards adult social services within the Borough.


(iii)  The provision of a sum of £78,210 for the improvement of primary health care services within the Borough of Maidstone.


(iv)  The payment of a contribution towards the amendment of existing or the making of Traffic Regulation Orders restricting on-street parking in the vicinity of the site; this to be provided prior to the first occupation of the development.


(v)  The improvement of four bus stops close to the land including raised kerbs and the provision of real time information systems; these to be provided prior to the first occupation of the units.


(vi)  The upgrading of the existing pedestrian crossing at the western end of the Springfield site access road to a toucan crossing; this to be provided prior to the first occupation of any of the units.


(vii)Six months prior to the commencement of the development, the submission of a refined and updated travel plan to the Local Planning Authority for approval.


(viii)The creation of a community facility within the development of a floor space of not less than 200 square metres.


(ix)  No development (including demolition) to take place on this site prior to the completion of the new library at the James Whatman Way site.


(x)  Provision for the enhancement of landscaping and a landscape  management plan for the following areas:-


  (a)  The existing verge to the north of the Springfield access road and bounded to the west by the application site and north/east by Chatham Road/Royal Engineers Road;


  (b)  The existing verge to the south of the Springfield access road, bounded to the east by Royal Engineers Road and which shall include the phased provision of an avenue of Lime trees as a replacement for existing tree planting; and


  (c)  The management of the existing woodland and landscaped area north of the roundabout on Royal Engineers Road (bounded by Royal Engineers Road and Sandling Road) together with the planting of a replacement Wellingtonia tree at the southern end of the land.


the Development Control Manager be given delegated powers to grant outline permission subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report, as amended by the urgent update report, and the additional condition and informative set out in the urgent update report with the amendment of informative 7 and additional informatives as follows:-


Informative 7 (amended)


Adequate and suitable provision in the form of water sprays should be used to reduce dust from demolition and construction work. 


Additional Informatives


No burning shall take place at the application site.


The developers shall provide adequate space within the application site for the parking/loading/unloading of contractors’ vehicles before works commence on site.  Such space shall thereafter be maintained during the construction process where practicable.


A Development Panel should be established to monitor the development’s progress, including consideration of materials and landscaping details; the Panel to include Council Officers, Ward Members and representatives of the applicant/developer.


Voting:  11 – For  1 – Against  1 – Abstention





Supporting documents: