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Agenda item

1st Quarter Finance, Performance & Risk Monitoring Report 2021/22


The Director of Finance and Business Improvement introduced the financial update, stating that the projected revenue underspend for 2021-22 was £144,000.


Capital spending remained low, however the previously agreed refurbishment of the Gypsy and Traveller Sites in Stilebridge Lane and Water Lane had risen substantially in cost. Subsequently, the Committee were asked to consider transferring the additional funding required from the Affordable Homes Programme, which was likely to have an underspend by the end of the current financial year.


The Corporate Insight, Communities and Governance Manager introduced the performance update. There had been a technical issue that had prevented the presentation of the ‘Way we Work’ Key Performance Indicator’s (KPI) performance, but the data would be provided to the Committee when available. 


The ‘Percentage of Non-Domestic Rates Collected’ had missed its target by 3%, due to the easing of lockdown restrictions and the termination of the business grants support schemes. Three KPIs across the Council’s Service Committees had missed the respective targets by more than 10%, including the ‘Percentage of youths unemployed’ however this had fallen for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic.


The Deputy Head of Audit introduced the risk management update and stated that the annual corporate risk workshop had taken place with the Wider Leadership Team which included horizon scanning for future risks, with a focus on possible external threats. If realised, these threats could be included within the corporate risk register using the existing risk management approach.


There four new risks to the corporate risk register were outlined, with the Corporate Leadership Team to continue its work to further assess the risks.


The operational risks were highlighted, as work to improve the intelligence, strategy and reporting of the risks was ongoing, following the full refresh that had taken place in the fourth quarter of the 2020-21 financial year.


In relation to questions, the Director of Regeneration and Place confirmed that Maidstone Property Holdings (MPH) Ltd now possessed 89 housing units and that further information, such as the percentage of rent arrears, could be provided in future reports. The Corporate Insight, Communities and Governance Manager stated that a dashboard had been created to help the Planning Enforcement Team improve their real-time data monitoring.


The Committee felt that insufficient information had been provided on the Gypsy and Traveller Sites Refurbishment, particularly on the schemes’ increased cost. The Director of Regeneration and Place confirmed that the project’s scope had increased since its previous consideration by the Communities, Housing and Environment (CHE) Committee and that the existing issues within the construction industry had led to the submission of significantly higher value tenders than expected.


Kent County Council (KCC) currently managed the two sites, which included 35 pitches, and whilst there was an in-principal agreement that the sites would be transferred to KCC after the required works had taken place, no formal agreement had been reached. The Monitoring Officer reiterated the Council’s obligations as the landlord to carry out the necessary works to the betterment of the residents.


It was felt that the issue should be further considered by the CHE Committee before a decision was made.




1.  The Revenue position as at the end of Quarter 1, including the actions being taken or proposed to improve the position, where significant variances have been identified, be noted;


2.  The Capital position at the end of Quarter 1, be noted;


3.  The Gypsy & Traveller Sites Refurbishment Scheme be referred back to the Communities, Housing and Environment Committee, with its recommendations reported to the Committee at its next meeting to make the decision of allocating the funds;


4.  The write-off of £34,956.95 in uncollectable business rates debt, be approved;


5.  The Performance position as at Quarter 1, including the actins being taken or proposed to improve the position, where significant issues have been identified, be noted; and


6.  The Risk Update, attached as Appendix 3 to the report, be noted.


Note: Councillors Hastie and Parfitt-Reid left the meeting after the conclusion of the item, at 8.55 p.m.







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