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Agenda item

Question and Answer Session for Members of the Public


It was moved by the Mayor, seconded by Councillor Blackmore, and


RESOLVED:  That since there are two questions for the Chairman of the Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee and Councillor Cooper is unable to be present at the meeting, Council Procedure Rule 14.9 be suspended for this meeting only to enable the Vice-Chairman of the Committee to respond, rather than just a written answer being sent to each questioner.


Question from Mrs Sue Harwood to the Vice-Chairman of the Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee (in the absence of the Chairman)


Since Mrs Harwood was unable to be present at the meeting, the question was put by the Mayor on her behalf pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 14.7.


Will Full Council be provided with a detailed analysis of all representations relating to the Local Plan Review Reg 19 Consultation and will the findings be publicly debated before submission to the Inspectorate?


The Vice-Chairman of the Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee responded to the question.


Question from Mr Steve Heeley to the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee


Is it still your intention not to use Compulsory Purchase Orders to secure the remaining land needed for your controversial Heathlands 'new town' development at Lenham?


The Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee responded to the question.


Mr Heeley asked the following supplementary question of the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee:


According to reliable local reports, landowners continue to be threatened by agents acting on behalf of this Council that unless they sign over their land, they will be compulsory purchased.  Why are Maidstone Borough Council and their agents using this unethical tactic to secure land for this controversial project?


The Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee responded to the question.


Question from Ms Kate Hammond to the Vice-Chairman of the Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee (in the absence of the Chairman)


Given that a large number of respondents to the Regulation 19 consultation have yet to receive confirmation that their response has been included and analysed in the latest consultation, how can they be confident that their representation has been sufficiently accounted for in any modifications you may make to the Local Plan before submitting for examination at the end of March as you intend?


The Vice-Chairman of the Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee responded to the question.


Ms Hammond asked the following supplementary question of the Vice-Chairman of the Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee:


Is this a pre-determined Local Plan?


The Vice-Chairman of the Strategic Planning and Infrastructure Committee responded to the question.


Question from Ms Gail Duff to the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee


Do you think Maidstone's residents will be pleased to know that Maidstone borough delivered more houses in Kent over the last three years than Gravesham, Sevenoaks and Thanet combined as well as ranking 23rd highest in receipts of New Homes Bonus out of a total of 333 local planning authorities across England?


The Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee responded to the question.


Ms Duff asked the following supplementary question of the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee:


What are your predictions for this year’s housing delivery for Maidstone Borough Council?


The Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee responded to the question.


To listen to the answers to these questions, please follow this link:


Note:  Councillors Harwood and Hastie joined the meeting during the question and answer session for members of the public (6.50 p.m.).  They said that they had no declarations of interest or of lobbying.